
Archive for April 22nd, 2010

Well folks, not to be waxing cynical or anything, but…what else can one think when news of the new Patriots Hit List hits the stands?

According to Joe Kovacs’ April 21, 2010 report in WorldNetDaily, strong Left leaning Southern Poverty Law Center has released a “List of Americans That Should Be Watched.”  On it, included in a list of 40 other Americans, are such luminaries as Glenn Beck, Michelle Bachman, Joseph Farah, WorldNetDaily editor in chief, and Ron Paul…oh, and any other American who dares to place their hand over their heart during the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem…

According to Kovacs’ report,

In its new report titled, “Meet the Patriots,” the Southern Poverty Law Center states: “In the last year and a half, militias and the larger antigovernment ‘patriot’ movement have exploded, accompanied by the rapid expansion of other sectors of the radical right. This spectacular growth is the result of several factors, including anger over major political, demographic and economic changes in America, along with the popularization of radical ideas and conspiracy theories by ostensibly mainstream politicians and media commentators.”

This, of course, is not surprising, given the strong commitment to bias and vilification toward anyone not in agreement with the tenets of the SPLC.  However, it is an indication that they are stepping up their efforts to join main stream media’s desperate attempt to ridicule and thus defuse the large group of Americans who are frightened for their Constitution and angry at the corruption that prevails in the current administration, which many doubt is even constitutional, lawful or legitimate. [See Newsbusters April 13] “How the Media Have Dismissed and Disparaged the Tea Party Movement.”

JB Williams, journalist, patriot and long time champion of our Constitution, reports similarly at Newsbull: Is the Southern Poverty Law Center Terrorizing Decent American Patriots?

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is very influential in the current administration, almost single handedly responsible for defining “domestic terrorists” for the Department of Homeland Security and ratcheting up the racial rhetoric like never before in U.S. history, in the name of so-called “social justice.”

In the latest diatribe to come out of the Montgomery Alabama based mini-ACLU, titled – Rage on the Right – The Year in Hate and Extremism – the group lays out their justification for striking fear in the hearts of every Tea Party, 912 and town hall activist, angry over the federal governments mishandling of their country.

The SPLC report opens with – “The radical right caught fire last year, as broad-based populist anger at political, demographic and economic changes in America ignited an explosion of new extremist groups and activism across the nation.”

According to the report – “The anger seething across the American political landscape — over racial changes in the population, soaring public debt and the terrible economy, the bailouts of bankers and other elites, and an array of initiatives by the relatively liberal Obama Administration that are seen as “socialist” or even “fascist” — goes beyond the radical right. The “tea parties” and similar groups that have sprung up in recent months cannot fairly be considered extremist groups, but they are shot through with rich veins of radical ideas, conspiracy theories and racism.”

So…if you’re on such a list…consider yourself in fine company…and consider the source…

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On Tuesday, April 20, the sun rose on Madisonville, Tennessee to reveal blocks of SWAT teams, Federal, State, County and local police, armed with weapons, dogs and plenty of ear pieces.  Amazingly, they had all turned out to greet Lt. Cmdr. Walter Fitzpatrick on his way to appear at a bond hearing for four misdemeanor charges levied in early April after he was incarcerated there during his attempt to effect a legal citizen’s arrest warrant on, among others, Grand Jury foreman of 27 years Gary Petway and Judge Carroll Rose, for appointing him continuously for those 27 years despite Tennessee law that proscribes grand jury service for more than 24 months consecutively.

Supporters en route were also stopped and checked but retained their legally held arms and explained eloquently to police why they were there.  Rather than recount it all herein, I urge all to visit Carl Swensson’s Rise Up For America,  USMC Sgt. Tim Harrington’s CitizenTsunami and JB Williams’s piece on Lt. Cmdr. Fitzpatrick’s Monroe County initiative.  Thanks to the professionalism, patriotism and integrity of those involved, the situation that could have ended as an American nightmare ended well, communication was successful and those who stepped up to the plate of action represented themselves and their country well.

With many thanks to all who participated, both in Monroe County and behind the scenes, and especially Sgt. Tim Harrington, Carl Swensson for taping events, Chaplain Darren Huff, JB Williams and of course, Lt. Cmdr. Walter Fitzpatrick for being a Doer, not a Talker, I urge you all to visit these sites, pass them on and tell everyone who will listen that we need to keep our eyes open, obey the laws of our nation and confront those who do not.

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One Down, Two to Go!
YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Blackfive has reported that

A US military jury has cleared a US Navy officer of helping to cover up an attack on an Iraqi suspected of killing four Blackwater guards in 2004.

Petty Officer Julio Huertas, 28, was found not guilty of dereliction of duty and attempting to influence the testimony of another service member.

PO Huertas is the first of three officers to face a court martial over the alleged abuse of Ahmed Hashim Abed.

The navy’s special forces are widely supported in the US.

FINALLY, common sense has prevailed where the brave deeds of our Military are concerned, and Petty Officer Julio Huertas was found not guilty!  Let us hope and pray that his two compatriots, Navy SEALS Matthew McCabe and Jonathan Keefe are also exonerated for doing their duty and successfully completing their assignment, which was to capture one of the most-wanted al queda operatives responsible for killing and burning 4 private security personnel guarding food supply in Iraq 6 years ago.

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