
Archive for September, 2010

Back to the Nets!

We’ve been working on the new site upgrade with new server and we’re finally getting back to our dot net url, which was lost last year, so from now on, The Dame’s url is, once again, http://thedametruth.net!

Looking forward to our continued initiative in seeking, speaking and spreading the truth, whatever it may be!

Dame Truth Radio at its new Monday 11 PM EST time is gathering speed with an awesome new, uber tech producer from whose genius we shall all benefit as we roll out each new show this Fall with enhanced audio clips and a Leavenworth Special, recorded ” Live from Leavenworth” at the first annual Leavenworth 10 Freedom Ride on September 4, 2010, honoring those brave men so wrongfully incarcerated there as a result of their service in middle east combat zones.

Honor These Brave Men Who Served Their Country Well

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Listen to internet radio with The Dame Truth on Blog Talk Radio

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It’s a rainy Fall Monday and everyone East of the Mississippi River is hunkered down beneath the clouds.  But fear not–there IS a rainbow at the end of it all, and the sun will once again shine–not only in the Eastern United States, but on all of America!

Patriots JB Williams, Sgt. Tim Harrington and Warren *Bones* Bonesteel will share their ideas about what’s coming and how we can make it better tonight on Live Chat at 10 PM EST, followed by Live Radio at 11 with The Dame.

So join in, Patriots!  It’s gonna be an interesting night!

Join Patriots from all over America tonight for an online chat with the co founders of Patriots Union, Sgt. Tim Harrington and JB Williams at Constitutional Emergency, chat at http://patriotsforamerica.ning.com/chat at 10 PPM EST, followed by “The Dame Truth” on Blogtalkradio at 11 PM EST, with tonight’s guest, Warren *Bones* Bonesteel, researcher and patriot extraordinaire.

And THEN at 11 EST:

The Dame Truth Tonight: Sitrep: Down to Bare Bones

Mondays 11:00 PM EST

(347) 202-0569

“The Dame Truth”
Warren “Bones” Bonesteel,
Writer, Researcher, former blogger, Thinker Extraordinaire and great American Patriot
The Situation at Hand

Are Americans fed up to the max?

Where do we go from here?
The Dame welcomes special guest Warren Bonesteel to talk about our current geopolitical, military and economic situation.  His keen wisdom and insight, coupled with brilliant research skills, has served to alert and enlighten many, and armed us with the knowledge and common sense requisite to weather the coming storm and come out on the bright side–and, make no mistake about it, there IS a bright side!  Find out what it is and how to find it tonight with The Dame as we speak with *Bones* Bonesteel on The Dame Truth about what’s really going on!

For pre-chat reading material, go to:

LTC Lakin Courts 3.pdf


Primary Patriots Union Initiatives 1.doc

Primary Patriots Union Initiatives

Fighting Labor Unions – Labor unions are one of the two greatest problems in terms of forcing the nation into collectivism, leftist ideologies and government (taxpayer) bankruptcy. Unions have destroyed American manufacturing and are fast destroying state and federal budgets. To address the leftist juggernaut in America, we must address the stranglehold unions have on manufacturing, state and federal government and education. In the Union Division, we must focus on…

  • End union-bid only government contracts
  • Pass Right-to-Work laws in all “forced unionization” states
  • Force private sector unions to represent ALL members in their political giving
  • Eliminate Public Sector Labor Unions altogether

(more detail)

Repairing a Broken Justice System – Our current corrupt justice system is the other of the two largest threats to freedom and liberty in America. Like the labor movement, trial lawyers are responsible for funding the leftist juggernaut in America. When discussing this issue, we must discuss both trial lawyers and lobbyists as two parts of one group. Over the last twenty years alone, trial lawyers have invested over $1.2 billion in political donations, more than $816 million of it with Democrats. Meanwhile, lobbyists invested over $182 million in politics, more than $98 million of it with Democrats. Combined these two groups have invested more than $1.3 billion in politics, over 70% or $914 million of it to Democrats and that’s why we have a corrupt justice system focused on left-leaning judicial activism.

  • Reinstate the U.S. Constitution as the Law of this Land
  • Replace precedent and procedure with the Rule of Law
  • Restore the People’s Grand Jury
  • Remove corrupt judges from the system
  • Defend our unalienable rights
  • Stop judicial activism

(more detail)

The Patriots Precinct Division – is all about retraining citizens in American civics. The place where the people can exercise direct political power is in the political precinct. Contrary to popular opinion, the political parties are not a top-down system, but a bottom-up system, beginning with your local precinct. Over the last year or so, thousands of people have learned about the precinct and are now in power in the precincts, with more needed. Although precinct power is local, it must be nationally coordinated in order to have a national impact. Unorganized, the precinct strategy is at best a twenty-five year strategy to alter national direction from the precinct level. But strategically designed and nationally organized, that time frame for change can be trimmed to a two to four year process. This division is designed to accomplish national change by organizing education and opportunity communication between precinct delegates across the country.

  • Fill all vacant precinct seats in both political parties
  • Educate delegates on all of the powers available from the precinct
  • Strategize locally, across each state and across the country
  • Problem solve through information sharing
  • Control the political process and parties from the bottom-up
  • Affect local, state and national change by working with others in common

(more detail)

The Veterans Council – We have over twenty-million military veterans in America, not counting the many veteran family members. Veterans have sworn an oath to uphold, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and the American people against all enemies, foreign and domestic. They have been trained to work as a unit, with honor, courage and distinction, or survive in the worst of circumstances all alone. Many of our nation’s greatest leaders are in this community and they have volunteered to risk life itself in defense of freedom and liberty. Any effort to reclaim citizen control of our runaway government would be silly to even contemplate without this group and we are indeed honored to stand with them in this endeavor.

  • Provide organization and leadership across the country
  • Take an honorable stand for freedom and liberty
  • Stand up for active duty soldiers and families
  • Protect the rights of the soldier (See LTC Lakin File)
  • Support soldiers returning from deployment
  • Fight for proper treatment of veterans

(more detail)

Fight for Truth in Journalism – In any representative republic, the will of the majority of citizens must be represented, without infringing upon the individual equal rights of any minority. All government power is derived from the consent of the governed, without which, government has NO legitimate power. Yet the decisions made by the citizenry can never be any better than the information used to make those decisions. As a result, a truthful, unbiased and complete NEWS system is a MUST. Editorialists and journalists are NOT supposed to be the same thing. We MUST begin to hold journalists accountable for behaving like editorialists, using political and ideological bias in the reporting of news and events, causing a steady diet of mass misinformation today. We MUST demand honest unbiased reporting from our news rooms and hold individuals and organizations accountable when they fail to meet that requirement.

  • Connect the dots between political propaganda machines and press room
  • Identify false reporting and hold people accountable
  • Expose lies and liars in the media
  • Flood the market with truth to combat the lies
  • Directly challenge news organizations with a habit of promoting false reports
  • Work with journalism ethics groups to improve and enforce ethics in reporting

(more detail)

The Patriots Pantry – Reducing the demand for government run social programs requires accepting local private sector responsibility for caring for those in real need. Due to government’s assault on our free-market economic system, many patriotic citizens are hurting right now. As things progress, and until we can turn the tide on DC policy making, things are likely to get worse before they get any better. We expect to experience increased unemployment, an increasing cost of living, additional debt crisis and maybe even a monetary and food supply crisis. This division exists to work on these issues on behalf of Patriot Union members.

  • Setting up patriot pantry operations in your local areas
  • Recycling clothing useful to others in need
  • Providing food and canned goods for those in need locally
  • Providing counseling for USPU families in need
  • Working with Independent farmers to secure a supply line to fresh produce
  • Supporting the rights of Independent farmers
  • Defending the individual right to garden and market produce in the private sector
  • Fighting governments efforts to control food supply via FDA and DHS

(more detail)

Patriots War Chest – Accomplishing all of these stated objectives and much more ahead will cost money. Rather than asking any one person to do it all, or being beholden to any small group by asking them to carry the lion’s share, we ask every member to do a little. We can fund our objectives for as little as $29.00 per year, less than .08 cents per day per member. For less than one carton of cigarettes, one decent meal out, or a few songs for your IPod, YOU can make a very real difference in the direction and future of this great nation. If you don’t do it, who will?

Those who can give more are appreciated. Not one single penny will be used to support political campaigns. We recommend that citizens give directly to the campaigns of their choosing rather than to any PAC for this purpose.

Our administrative expenses are limited to no more than 15% of gross revenue in any annual accounting cycle, which means that 85% of gross revenue must go directly to the end goals stated. Our accounting is reviewed and reported by a Certified Public Accounting firm and will be certified and reported to USPU members on an annual basis.

As a private organization, all such reports are for MEMBERS ONLY! Our financials, member databases and strategies are for the exclusive private and confidential use of USPU Members and will not be disclosed, shared or sold to any other organization.

Our goal is to reach a million Patriots Union members as quickly as possible, launched by the Veteran community.

(more detail)

PLEASE JOIN US in this historic endeavor launched on September 17, 2010, exactly 223 years after the signing of the U.S. Constitution.

Alone, none of us can make a difference. But together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish! The time for talk has passed… It’s all about the DOING now!

* Released today, Sept. 27, 2010

Copyright © 2010 The United States Patriots Union, LLC All rights reserved.

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Today is the first day of Fall, or the last day of Summer, according to our Northern Hemisphere calendar.  Amusingly, a Summer of another sort will soon be departing as well.  That’s right, folks…the infamous “women-are-stupid”  Larry-Summers has announced his imminent departure from the White House as well.  Like rats running from a stinking sinking ship, people are stumbling over each other in their race out the door before the whole darn ship of state sinks into the ocean of infamy it/they have created since January 2008.  If it hadn’t been so disastrous for our country it would be hilarious.  Last one standing is, thus far, never-had-a-job-and-don’t-pay-taxes Timmy Geithner, whose father was none other than BOZO’s mother’s old colleague back in the day.  Guess it’s true than an acorn never falls far from the tree, even if it’s rotten.

Tonight!  7 PM EST!  On Paul Revere Radio: Lt. Col. Lakin & The White Paper

Join JB Williams and Sgt. Tim Harrington, USMC ret., the dynamic duo who are setting this country to rights almost singlehandedly with their brilliant writing and research, exhaustive efforts in founding the Patriots Union and Patriot News, AND their brilliant White Papers, found at The Patriots News! and on blogtalkradio here and here

Ring Them Bells!

With the arrest of eight city officials yesterday, Bell, California is finally beginning to corral some of the municipal criminals who have drained taxpayers dry.  It looks like things may be starting to turn around in America–criminals are actually being arrested and charged, even when they happen to be city employees cooking the books and stealing the taxpayers blind.  Bell has been visited by criminality before, however; it is rumored that Ben “Bugsy” Siegel had connections there at one time.  Here’s hoping that Bell will be able to put the criminals in jail and reimburse the taxpayers, making an example to other corrupt politicians: clean up your acts, folks, or pay the price!  WE’RE WATCHING YOU!

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If a Brit can see it, how hard can it be for American politicians??!  In what has turned out to be a crucial election issue, politicians everywhere are, as usual, trying to placate voters by stating that the builders of the proposed Cordoba mosque near ground zero have the legal right to do so, ignoring the fact that it is a HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE project for that venue.  One of the few politicians to speak out against the mosque was New York’s Carl Palladino, who won last week’s Republican primary in the race for governor, in part, because he said that he would prevent the building of the mosque by using eminent domain if necessary.

Pat Condell’s take on it  is the singularly most salient, succinct statement on this issue to date.  As he notes, it is no accident that they are naming this mosque “Cordoba;” as the one built in Cordoba, Spain so long ago signified the entrenchment of Islam in Spain, this modern day Cordoba is, make no mistake about it, intended to signify the entrenchment of Islam in our United States of America in the 21st century.


Construction workers are responding by signing Andrew Sullivan’s petition not to work on the project.  In a city comprised of so many families and friends of 911 victims and first responders, many of whom still suffer from illnesses contracted as a result of their presence on the site, it is difficult to imagine anyone supporting or working on this project.

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Patriots Union: The Answer to Our Future

Tonight starts the Fall Season of “The Dame Truth”, at a new time, 11 PM EST on Blogtalkradio with guest Sgt. Tim Harrington, co founder of Patriots Union, which rolled out 3 days ago and is the product of two years of brainstorming, research and careful study.  The natural follow up to the Tea Party Movement, which took the country by storm in its successful bid to educate Americans and express the outrage of the majority toward corrupt and unresponsive government, Patriots Union takes the next step by forming an action and solution based initiative which invites all Americans to work together to represent themselves in a way that has never been seen before: an active coalition of Americans willing to work together to advocate for themselves and all Americans despite the obstacles of corrupt politicians and government.

Please join us at Dame Truth Radio at our new time tonight!  AND check out Patriots Union at www.patriotsunion.org and our new online news magazine, The Patriots News,  edited by the illustrious JB Williams at www.thepatriotsnews.com


Best in Patriotism,

The Dame

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Balance at the hands of time

So much to say…so little time!   As Mick Jagger, among others says, “Time Waits for No One” and surely we all walk the time tightrope these days, possibly moreso now than ever.

The summer has flown on the wings of our southbound geese and as usual, it went too fast.  The Dame joins all those returning to work after a summer break, and is gradually refitting and retooling schedules and obligations to be able to accomodate hearth, home, kith and kin and our nation.
The briefest of overviews today as she rushes out to one of those obligations abovementioned:
From El Marco comes a report of the 9/11 NY Rally, which was, of course, downplayed and underreported by Media.  Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, co authors of  “The Post American Presidency”, which, btw, I strongly urge everyone to read, hosted yet another demonstration at the proposed site of the mosque at Ground Zero.  For more terrific photos and reportage, go to Atlas Shrugs http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/09/massive-distortion-of-massive-rally.html and Looking at the Left http://www.lookingattheleft.com/2010/09/massive-911-rally-news-distorted-by-establishment-media/
Historic 9/11 Rally Downplayed by Media

Massive Distortion of Massive Rally in New York City

New York, NY  September 16, 2010 – by El Marco – UPDATES ongoing today with more photos and details!

This year’s 9/11 anniversary in New York brought opponents and supporters of the controversial “ground zero mosque” to lower Manhattan by the thousands. That fact has spawned a new controversy, as the American people yet again were served a false narrative by the dominant liberal establishment mass media. Exhibit A, in the “media reality distortion case #2478697,” is the photo scene below. This photo shows the 9/11 Remberance/Stop the Ground Zero Mosque Rally hosted by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer. According to the New York Times, what is seen here is a crowd of 2,000 persons. According to the New York Daily News, the crowd below contained “hundreds” despite the fact that it stretched jam packed as seen below for three city blocks. Local NYC News Channel 10 reported live that there were 30,000 people at this rally. Channel 10 should be applauded for doing their job and the rest of the media stands exposed. But wait! The distortion goes much deeper than just downplaying by a factor of 10 or 20 the size of the Stop the Ground Zero Mosque Rally.

In heavily accented English Nassralla spoke of the persecution and atrocities that are suffered by the Christian population of Egypt.

“Wake up America! I came from Egypt. Egypt was Coptic, was Christian. 1,400 years Islamists conquered our country. You know it’s written in the Koran that war is deceiving. They can lie to build this mosque here – on my dead body. I escaped from Egypt for freedom here. Where I can go? You need me to go to the moon now? …
“I’m sorry to show you my picture. This is one of our dear friends in Egypt. One of eight – eight of them on the Christmas night. In the name of Islam, they said “Allah hu akhbar,” and they killed them in front of the church. Three thousand persons buried here, in this same area. …In ten years, if this mosque built here, using taqiya, using islamize of this country, you cannot stop them. It’s gonna be too late. … I’m saying to you, “WAKE UP AMERICA!!” You don’t need to be like this picture. Stop islamization of America.”

In other news:

  • Today is the 63rd Anniversary of the Air Force!  Fly ’em high!
  • The Dame will be back for real this Monday, Sept. 20 at a new time, 11 PM EST,   with apologies for the cancelled show last week, The Dame having arrived home to find two family members critically ill, thus forcing unforseen cancellation.

And finally, after two years in the planning by some of America’s most brilliant patriots, Patriots Union rolls out today!!

And, finally, today is Constitution Day, so fly your flags, everyone!  Interestingly, John Boehner has suggested that to honor this hallowed day, Congress Should Require All Bills to Cite Their Constitutional Authority!!

Not that it will ever happen under THIS Congress, but…something to think about in the future…

More on that and other things later, as The Dame attempts to decipher the vagaries of tech for tards, of which she is a charter member.  Photos and interviews on the Leavenworth 10 Freedom Ride to come, and much, much more.

This year brings a plethora of incredible events, reported by incredible patriots, the list of which is too long to mention herein, but suffice to say, it will be a spectacular year as Americans begin to shake the dust from their eyes and bring to fruition the actions initiated two years ago.  We hope to feature more guest posts and writers, and, with the help of kinder, smarter patriots and blessings of the Gods, this site will undergo a renovation to include all DT archives.

Remember:  Only YOU can prevent forest fires–and the downfall of America at the hands of those who would hurt her!

Blessings to all!


Flying High for America!

Time Marches On!

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911 + 9

We Will Never Forget-Honor Those Who Sacrificed

Tomorrow marks 9 years since the day that changed our lives forever.  Spend it wisely: with friends and family, in meditation, at commemoration ceremonies all over the country.  Cherish the moment, for that is all anyone really has.  Choose your words and deeds carefully.  You never know when they might be the last words or deeds someone sees.

Blessing our nation, our troops and our people.

The Dame returns Monday, Sept. 13 at 8 PM EST.

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Welcome to Labor Day 2010…as always kudos and many thanks to one of America’s greatest Patriots, W. Bonesteel  

 As bad as you think it is, it’s probably much worse than you think…
…and if you think that a Republican majority in D.C. will change anything…
Why Do You Labor?
Let’s talk about today.
Labor Day, it is called.
History recalls that it was put into place by Grover Cleveland in 1894 after the Pullman Strike in which the US Military was used to put down workers.  The legislation designating it a national holiday was rushed through Congress and signed in what must have been a record – six days – to attempt to defuse further conflict between labor – that is, the people – and her government who had just got done killing some of her own citizens over a private labor dispute.
Note that this dispute wasn’t exactly violence-free on the union side – they had derailed a locomotive, attacked strike-breakers and committed several acts of arson.  Nonetheless, the rubric used by Grover Cleveland in ordering twelve thousand US Army Troops to put down the strikers was that the strike was “interfering with the US Mail.”
Such is the history of this holiday now most-celebrated with weenies roasting on the BBQ.
Today, however, I ask the plaintive question:
Why do you labor?
Let’s think about why most of us do, or at least should.  We do it to better ourselves and our families.  We get out of bed every day and go to work, in whatever vocation we practice, whether it be for ourselves as a self-employed person (e.g. as I am) or “working for ‘the man'”, because we want to put food on our table, a roof over our head, and clothes on our backs.  We want a better life for ourselves and our progeny, and through the use of our minds, hands, backs and legs we hope to attain that goal.
We find common cause in our work.  Whether we look upon a roof we just put on a house with pride in our workmanship, a heart we just repaired in some man’s chest or a computer that now passes electronic mail traffic where it didn’t before, we effort to provide more value to society than what we extract in the form of a wage.
Yet out of that wage is extracted all sorts of tax and other expense that we have no direct control over.
Certainly, we would all (well, most all) would agree that there are certain things that government should do for the people.  We all want a fire department available if our home is burning, we would like the streets to be paved, and we would like the sewers to drain so that when we go to the bathroom it doesn’t come back to us via the tub.  We want a reasonable belief that our nation has enough defensive capability that other nations will not invade us, as they would suffer immeasurable loss.
On these things we all agree.
Most of us also agree that some form of help to those who are unable to help themselves is in some form appropriate.  Here we nearly all differ on where the line is to be drawn, however.  We can argue endlessly over whether someone should be able to access medical care they cannot pay for with their own funds, with much of debate focused on which forms of treatment should be paid for by taxation and under what circumstances.  Some would argue that being obese should bar you from any form of obesity-related treatment for medical conditions paid for by others via taxes, others not.  Some would argue that if you smoke you have no right to smoking-related illness treatment paid by others.  Still others would argue that anything STD-related should be barred, since you obviously contracted that via an act that you consented to (absent ****, of course.)
But these are, to a large degree, the finer points of policy debate.  Yes, they’re important, but they all come down to allocation of funds.  I will leave that debate for another time.
No, today I wish to focus on the literal trillions of dollars that we have had taken from us in the past, present and future not by the social spending that is considered a wedge issue in so many quarters (and which I would argue should not be) but rather by the support and protection of organizations that stand accused of raw criminal acts – acts that, in many cases, have directly and indirectly led to people being literally murdered.
I rather ask the plaintive question:
Why should you labor when much of those fruits are literally stolen by people who then evade any legal sanction for theft and other outrageous acts – acts that you, as an ordinary citizen, could not dream of performing yourself without landing in prison for quite literally the rest of your natural life while forfeiting every penny you have.
I speak specifically of the following sorts of acts:
The Jefferson County Alabama scandal relating to it’s sewer project.  Originally intended to cost about $150 million, the total has now exceeded $3 billion.  Sewer rates have gone from $1.15/cf in 1992 to $7.40 in 2008 (a more than six hundred percent increase) and a good part of that was due to rank bribery.  This isn’t an allegation – there have been multiple criminal convictions related to this matter.  As Rolling Stone reported:

There was so much money to be made bilking these dizzy Southerners that banks like JP Morgan spent millions paying middlemen who bribed — yes, that’s right, bribed, criminally bribed — the county commissioners and their buddies just to keep their business. Hell, the money was so good, JP Morgan at one point even paid Goldman Sachs $3 million just to back the **** off, so they could have the rubes of Jefferson County to fleece all for themselves.
Of note there has not been one – one – indictment leveled against the banks involved, even though one of the parties involved in the bribery is claimed to be a JP Morgan employee.  Remember, for bribery to take place you must have someone offer a bribe, and you must have someone accept a bribe.
Mexico’s drug gangs.  We’ve all heard of the horrific violence south of the border.  Most of it is fueled by illegal narcotics – a very profitable business, if you can figure out how to move the money around without having it confiscated by rather-belligerent governments.  And that’s where Wells Fargo’s Wachovia came in:

Wells Fargo & Co., which bought Wachovia in 2008, has admitted in court that its unit failed to monitor and report suspected money laundering by narcotics traffickers — including the cash used to buy four planes that shipped a total of 22 tons of cocaine.
How much money was involved here?  Oh not a lot – just $374.8 billion dollars.  Yes, with a “B”. What happened to Wells?  They were fined – a grant total of $160 million dollars, or about 2% of its 2009 $12.3 billion in profit, and about one tenth of one percent of it’s $135 billion market capitalization.
Just recently The Wall Street Journal reported that nine banks have been caught laundering money for various barred organizations and nations.  What’s a “barred” organization or nation?  Primarily one involved in terrorism in some form or fashion, and thus subject to international (or US) sanction.  These are nations like Iran and North Korea, and organizations like Hamas.  Nations and organizations that use the money moved around to buy bombs, missiles and guns, with which they then shoot American soldiers, among others.  Who’s on the list?
Last month, Barclays PLC in London agreed to pay $298 million and admitted to allowing payments on behalf of clients in Cuba, Sudan and other countries. Lloyds Banking Group in London and Credit Suisse Group in Zurich—banks that operated extensive transfer systems for Iranian clients—have agreed to settlements totaling $350 million and $536 million, respectively.
Hmmmm.  I’ve seen some of those names before.  Where? 
Oh yeah, right here:
List of the Primary Government Securities Dealers Reporting to the Government Securities Dealers Statistics Unit of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
BNP Paribas Securities Corp.
Banc of America Securities LLC
Barclays Capital Inc.
Cantor Fitzgerald & Co.
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC
Daiwa Capital Markets America Inc.
Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
HSBC Securities (USA) Inc.
Jefferies & Company, Inc.
J.P. Morgan Securities LLC
Mizuho Securities USA Inc.
Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated
Nomura Securities International, Inc.
RBC Capital Markets Corporation
RBS Securities Inc.
UBS Securities LLC.

Anyone care to guess on the identity of the others?  Yes, I know, Credit Suisse USA is a subsidiary of the Zurich-based bank.  So what?  They share a parent company, do they not? 
Who are the “primary dealers”?  They are the institutions that the United States Treasury entrusts to maintain orderly auctions for US Government bonds that finance the operation of the United States Government!
You got that?  Some of the very firms we trust to finance our government debt for us are alleged to have set up dedicated units to systematically aid the unlawful transfer of funds through the US banking system for these prohibited parties.
What was the sanction?  A fine.  Again.  For the three that have “settled”, anyway.
Incidentally, the fact that this money is going to fund people shooting our troops isn’t speculative:
At least five Iranian companies stationed in Afghanistan are covertly funding Taliban militants, paying them salaries of $233 a month with a $1,000 bonus for killing an American soldier, according to the Sunday Times of London.
Blowing up a US military vehicle is worth $6,000, making insurgents better paid than any Afghan police officer or soldier.
“Iran will never stop funding us, because Americans are dangerous for them as well,” said a Taliban treasurer, who travels from the mountainous Wardak province to an Iranian construction company that operates out of Kabul to pick up the cash.
Is this clear enough?  How many of our families will have or have had their son or daughter come home in a box as a consequence of this funding, and how many of those families will sit still for this?
You don’t really think it ended there, do you?  Of course not.  Bloomberg reported on May 18th that a host of major banks are involved in a huge investigation related to the rigging of municipal bond offerings.  This is a $1 trillion market and funds everything from your local sewer and water systems to the construction of schools, repaving of roads, additions to your local police and fire departments and building of the local library.  All of these matters are funded by bond issues, and you pay for each and every one of them in the form of taxes.  When these issues are rigged the costs go up and you get to pay for the corruption through property and sales taxes – an invisible cost-shift that lands directly on you.  What is alleged?
“The whole investment process was rigged across the board,” said Charlie Anderson, who retired in 2007 as head of field operations for the Internal Revenue Service’s tax-exempt bond division. “It was so commonplace that people talked about it on the phones of their employers and ignored the fact that they were being recorded.”

Anderson said he referred scores of cases to the Justice Department when he was with the IRS. He estimates that bid rigging cost taxpayers billions of dollars. Anderson said prosecutors are lining up conspirators to plead guilty and name names.
Uh huh.  Wall Street’s biggest banks.  Named in the story is Bank of America, GE, UBS AG (then under Dexia), Citigroup, JP Morgan, UBS and Wells/Wachovia (again.)  Allegedly, sixteen companies are under investigation.  Notably, Bank of America has reportedly been given amnesty from criminal prosecution.
Notice any names in the Primary Dealer list up there again?  Yep.
So now we have banks standing accused of ripping off state and local governments – that is, the taxpayer, who ultimately pays for all of this grift and scam – and yet they are still handling US Government debt auctions.
Isn’t that special?
It gets better.  This wasn’t the first time it happened.  In 2000 the SEC “settled”, once again, charges of “yield burning” – that is, overcharging municipal governments.  How much was the fine?  $120 million – a pittance – and only $18 million was refunded to the municipalities that were ripped off.
What did Arthur Levitt say at the time?
Arthur Levitt, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, said, “As a result of today’s actions, a dark cloud has been lifted from the municipal securities market.  This global settlement is a milestone in the federal government’s effort to resolve the problem of yield burning in a way that protects innocent municipalities and bondholders.”
The hell it was.
Has any of the screwing you took as citizens in the Internet Bubble, the Housing Bubble, and the multiple Municipal bond scams (as documented above) been returned to you?  Have you been made whole from any of those scams and schemes?  Has your property tax bill, inflated by the municipal bond scams, been refunded by these banks?  Has the false “appreciation” that led you to overpay for a house between 2003 and 2006, or for Tech Stocks in the 1990s, been taken back from those who stole the money and returned to you?  Has your home’s value been allowed to contract back to where it should have been – valuations from the 1980s and early 1990s – and your property tax bill contracted back to those same levels, with a refund being issued to you in the amount of a decade of overpayment?
Of course not. 
Not only have the scammers involved in all of this not been personally fined one red cent, they have not been indicted, prosecuted, or spent one night in a prison.  The corporations involved have been “fined” a tiny fraction of one percent of their market value – and have effectively kept all of the ill-gotten “profits.”  All of this has been extracted from your labor – both past and future, in an amount that literally adds to trillions of dollars.
So again folks:
Why do you willingly get up and make effort to feed your family and better yourself when literal trillions of your money are lavished on these enterprises by a band of 545 crooks in Washington DC who have all, each and every one of them, personally enabled, permitted and endorsed these scams?
I speak specifically of:
435 Representatives in Congress

100 Senators

1 President

9 Supreme Court Justices
All of whom took an oath to uphold and defend The Constitution, and all of whom each and every day not only permit this sort of raw lawlessness to go on, but continue to explicitly fund it through both explicit support and the Primary Dealers to the US Treasury!
Oh, some will blame Bernanke or Greenspan for his bubbles and threats, and they deserve that blame.  Some will blame Paulson.  Some will blame Geithner.
But The Fed exists only because of the acts of those 545, and both Paulson and Geithner were confirmed to hold their offices by 100 of them.
We have deficits that all 545 claim are bad.  Yet they exist specifically because of the acts of these 545 people.  Without their specific actions, there would be no deficit.
We have all 545 claim that ripping people off and plundering the public purse (which is, by the way, filled with your labor – and nothing else) is bad.   Yet that plunder happens specifically because of the actions those 545 people both take and refuse to take.
We have an SEC which claimed in 2000 that the book was closed on municipal bond market ripoffs, but then the same thing happened again, and probably began while these other guys were negotiating their “deal.”  Those 545 are directly responsible for this – among other things the entire SEC serves at their pleasure, and could be replaced tomorrow or written right out of the statute books.
You thought you were getting “relief” with the alleged “CARD” act (to control credit-card abuses.)  Those same 545 wrote into the law an exception for so-called “professional cards”, which allowed the banks to evade each and every one of those protections.  That’s not the bank’s fault, it’s the fault of those 545.  Each and every one of them.
You got robbed blind through serial bubbles in the Internet space and then in housing – bubbles that occurred due to the specific acts of omission and commission, intentional acts – of those very same 545 people.
Those very same 545 people have pointedly refused to cause the people responsible for these serial bubbles and your exploitation to answer for these actions, to be prosecuted where fraud or other criminality can be shown, and to pay back what they plundered to the full extent of their personal and corporate fortunes.
These same 545 have additionally provided upwards of twelve trillion dollars in promises of your future labor that they claim the right to compel performance of in support to these institutions. 
545 men and women did that – they are directly and personally responsible for voting for and permitting these individuals and institutions access to those funds that you must provide through your work after they knowingly and willingly exploited you as a direct result of the previous acts of these 545.
These same 545 are personally and directly responsible for funding and allowing the continued operation of institutions that stand accused of financing drug cartels in Mexico, terrorists in various nations and the rogue regime in Iran, ripping off hundreds of municipalities across the United States and more. They are responsible for continuing to voluntarily let these institutions not only have the privilege of a banking license in the United States, effectively operating with the sovereign credit of our nation behind them.  To add insult to injury, these 545 also allow these firms to make a profit offering and dealing in US Treasury debt.
Why do you labor?
Literally NOTHING. 
You, America – you – the common man and woman – hold the keys. 
No, I’m not talking about voting, even though that’s important.  Both of the “major parties” have explicitly supported every single act noted and documented above and dozens more.  Not one major political party candidate has gone to the Well of the House or Senate, or appeared on TV, and said in a plain, loud and clear voice:
If you elect me (or return me to office) I will do everything in my power, to the exclusion of all other issues if need be, to see to it that every one of the scams and frauds that have infested our financial system is eradicated and everyone who was involved goes straight to prison.
Not one Democrat, not one Republican, and not one of the “second-tier” parties either – including both the Libertarian and Tea Parties.  None of those candidates have stated the above – yet that, my friends, is nothing more or less than a statement that the rule of law is what that candidate is running on.  Simply put, none of them, either before they get to Washington or after, are interested in the rule of law.
Until you hear that from candidates and they actually perform after being elected, voting will not fix these problems.
But that doesn’t mean you, the ordinary people in America, can’t fix it, as many claim. 
You are in fact not powerless – you, the people of this nation, absolutely have all the power required, if you choose to use it.
You hold the ability to stop this – all of the above and more – dead in its tracks in one day – in your hands. 

You provide the Federal Government with ninety percent of it’s operating revenue through income and social insurance (FICA/Medicare) taxes, both of which are only collected as a consequence of your voluntary labor.
You, through the non-violent, peaceful and perfectly legal expression of your will, simply by your refusal to labor until all of this activity is stopped, the people responsible are prosecuted, the funds stolen are returned to you and the firms involved are permanently closed – can end this BS tomorrow.
Because without tax revenues from your labor – labor you voluntarily perform and upon which 90% of the government’s revenue via taxation is based – those 545 have nothing to back up their debt issuance. 
Not one damn thing. 
All the hot air from Boehner, Pelosi, Reed, McCain, Obama and the rest – it’s all just words. It is exactly identical to you walking into the bank and telling them you want to buy a $500,000 house but you have no assets, no job and no education.
Without your daily consent in the form of your willing performance of labor the words, bluster, threats and claims of those 545 carry no force whatsoever.
That’s the dirty little secret that nobody in Washington talks about out loud, but they all know it’s true.
Not one damn penny would flow to the government to fund it’s operations if there was nobody willing to buy those bonds, and without your willing labor to provide those bond buyers a reason to believe they will be paid, there will be no buyers.
So today as you grill your wieners and drink your beer, consider that Tuesday, when you get up and get in your car, get on the bus, board the train – you will, by doing so, provide your actual and physical consent to each and every act that I have outlined above – and dozens more just like it.
The difference between (financial) **** and (financial) sex is consent.
These acts stop when you refuse to fund them, and you have the power by choosing to drink beer, sleep with your wife or girlfriend, go the beach or simply turn off the alarm clock and phone, to withdraw your consent to the continual screwing you are currently receiving and have received daily for the last 20 years.
You, America, have literally ALL the power, and can stop this crap any time you choose.
So as you roast your weenies this Labor Day, and drink your beer, do America a favor and contemplate a wise choice for tomorrow.
Warren “Bones” Bonesteel
Author and Researcher
SGT USMC 1976-1983

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Yesterday’s Freedom Ride, we hope, will be the one and only ride we need to free all those who are behind bars for serving their country.  However, it may take more than one ride to get the word out and make people want to put enough pressure on our government, Secretaries of Defense, Army and all the rest of the powers that be to release them.  Be advised, all, that we are prepared to continue our work on behalf of these soldiers and marines until every one of them is freed. 

See  http://www.kmbc.com/news/24885632/detail.html for some local coverage of yesterday’s event–suffice to say, it is only the beginning.

Putting faces to the families of these men, writing to them, speaking with them, makes it all the more real, and it is vital for every American to get informed about what is happening to our military as a result of unrealistic, politically correct Rules of Engagement, leadership that is sometimes unaccountable, and an enemy that HAS no rules except to victimize us by ours.

Look forward to a lot more information on these stories this Fall on Dame Truth Radio; you will meet and hear the stories of such brave soldiers as Sgt. John Horn, Lt. Col. Allen West, and the ten men who continue to be wrongfully incarcerated at Ft. Leavenworth.  You will meet some of their friends and families…get to know them for the great Americans that they are, and hopefully join our efforts to free them all.

Stay tuned for photos of yesterday’s meet, and visit www.L10FreedomRide.com early and often!

Best in Patriotism this Labor Day and beyond.

The Dame

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