
Posts Tagged ‘Obama’

Abject apologies for having missed the New Year.  It was a busy end-of-year and even busier New Year–all good, basically, just too busy to keep up with.  Still on basic hiatus, I am moved to post a tidbit herein:


Actually, this piece, Ulsterman’s latest interview with our WH Insider, has less to do with athiesm than the ’08 [S]election and the nightmares that have plagued all of us who witnessed it from pre- to post- Denver.  I vowed never to forget what I saw, heard and learned, and never to stop speaking my truth about it, regardless of what consequences I might face at the hands of those who cannot or will not believe the truth of the matter, horrific though it is.  I–and all of those who were with me at that time–was changed forever as a result of that campaign and what we learned; everything we had ever been taught or believed was proven false.  And still, the puppet of the perpetrators remains, ensconced illegally in our White House, gearing up for yet another term.

There are truly no words adequate to describe this perfidy.  Life goes on for all of us but we continue to speak out, to remember and share the horrors we witnessed, in the hope that, someday, somehow, the truth will be revealed and become an accurate part of history.  Hah!  Fat chance of that, things being what they are these days.  But neither I nor the thousands of others who saw it all with me will forget.  Nor will they keep silent.  You all know who you are…and bless you for being there, for remembering and for refusing to remain silent.

No matter what happens in the years to come, WE KNOW WHAT WE SAW…WE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED…AND WE KNOW WHO DID IT.

Bless you all for your intelligence, your courage, and your character.



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To compare the current squatters residents of our White House to Marie Antionette & co. is to do bit of a disservice to the latter.  For one thing, Marie took a lot of heat for the acts of her predecessors; for another, she dressed rather well, as opposed to the Moo, who usually looks more like a crazed, infantile Halloween costume run amok than the wife of a head of state…oh, wait…;  and  for yet another, Marie was  very young [a teenager] and lacked the benefit of much formal education, whereas Moo…well, perhaps that is going too far as Moochelle, while having taken up space in some ivied halls, gives little indication of having actually absorbed much of the knowledge there; and, whereas Marie has since been somewhat vindicated as more a victim of that era than a perpetrator, the Moo remains a prime villain, major perpetrator and highly visible symbol for much of the dissatisfaction, disgust and unrest that most Americans are feeling now…but I digress…

What these two women [and, not to leave anyone out, Nancy Pelosi as well]  do share in common is that they are the personification of the words “greedy excess,” which is distasteful enough in and of itself, but when perpetrated upon the broken backs of a beggared society is not only despicable, it is cretinous, inflammatory and unforgivable.  As Marie Antoinette could have told them, there are few things more dangerous and less willing to listen to reason than an outraged populace whose money has been stolen.

An October 4, 2011 edition of  World Net Daily reports that the Obama daughters were designated for their big trip to Africa as “Senior Staff.”  EXCUSE ME????  Since when do two attendees of Sidwell Friends–whose averred classmates, according to their father,  include the Ayers children [who a in their 30s] classify as SENIOR STAFF???  HAVE these people no SHAME?

And again, not to leave Nancy out here, how on earth does anyone eat a $130 pile of junk the like of which was purchased on her behalf from a Detroit convenience store??  That shopping list alone is enough to gag a maggot.

Among the receipts: $130 from a Detroit store for popcorn, cheese puffs, Hershey’s milk chocolate kisses, peanuts, Snickers minis, Nilla wafers, ginger snaps, mixed nuts, dry roasted peanuts, M&M peanuts, Kraft caramels and crackers.

That order apparently was connected to a congressional delegation trip to Detroit that cost some $24,000 in air travel expenses plus another $10,000 in miscellaneous expenses.

The records, which are linked Judicial Watch’s website, include flight manifests, expense summaries, copies of receipts and congressional correspondence for Pelosi’s trips in 2010.

There’s not a grand total for the expenditures because of the nature of the reporting: Sometimes there were reimbursements listed for members of Pelosi’s family traveling with her, and it was unclear whether those reimbursements were paid.

And that, my friends, is but a few of the many stories about the greed of those who currently root at the Washington trough at our expense.

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When the going gets tough, the Loser plays Victim.  Never has this been more relevant than now, as Obambisoetoro, grasping at straws for another four years of party time at our expense, seizes the Victim role with gusto.   Given his position–being both illegal and illegitimate, coupled with the rancid state of affairs in our once great country, it is the only strategy that makes sense–and that could be the ONLY landmark decision that comes of this administration of misery, catastrophe and clustermuck.  For, more than anything, Americans love an underdog.  They will root for the little guy every time:  David over Goliath, Overstock dot com over David Boies and Wall Street, Joe the Plumber over that big moneyed, small brained candidate.  And so, the only strategy left for this guy in our White House is that of the Victim.  Lord knows, that Hopey Changey thing fell flatter than yesterday’s flopped souffle, so this is it folks: The Underdog story.  They’re already bouncing it out there, trying it on for size, trying to get a little Underdog Recognition going out there, a la Truman.*

But that was then and this is now…not to mention the fact that that was Truman and this is…well, we’re STILL not really sure just WHO the individual residing in our White House is.

The fact is that Americans don’t trust Soetorobambisoebarkh or whoever he is and Townhall columnist John Ransom explains why:

The outlines of the Obama reelection strategy are becoming clearer.

The campaign will try to mirror Truman’s fighting tour against a “do nothing” Congress that is preventing the president from taking steps to rescue the US economy.

All that’s missing for Obama is a platform on the back of a high speed train from which he can harangue crowds.

For a guy battered and bruised by Congress and demoralized by his base, Truman’s strategy offers a glimmer of hope.

But don’t count on Americans to be gulled by Obama’s strategic argument with or without an assist by a magic bullet train. Obama’s no Harry Truman.

People wanted to believe that Truman was the straight-talking, guy-next door. And he was.

But no one would mistake Obama as a straight talker.

Fast talker? Yes.

In point of fact, the biggest single obstacle that Obama faces in getting reelected is that Americans don’t trust him anymore. Nor should they, based on results, history and the false premise under which he was elected.

Wanna know what Obama’s going to do in the future? Look at what he’s done in the past.

He might be the only president in the history of the country to vote “present.”

People wanted to believe in the hope-and-change hype; they gave Obama every opportunity to live up to the promise of a post-racial America.

They gave him the Congress, they gave him the money. They gave him the time. They even gave him a Nobel Prize in anticipation of his great, healing accomplishments. But he fell far short of the braggadocios, walk-on-water, presidential campaign that practically amounted to a confidence swindle out of a Mark Twain story.

That’s why the harder Obama campaigns, the less likely people will rally to his support.

Faux outrage by Obama will only serve to highlight how Obama fumbled his opportunities to cut some Gordian knots, politically.

Here are ten other reasons Americans don’t trust Obama to save the economy:

10) People have seen the president as disengaged from his job as president. Now according to Ron Suskind’s book, we have proof that Obama really is disengaged.

“His body language during these scenes is passive. He looks on and sits back as Summers, a master debater, hashes things out,” reports Bloomberg. “During one particularly acrimonious debate in March 2009, Obama leaves to get a haircut and have dinner with his family.”

9) Obama has no fixed principles on which the mass of Americans agree.

I can’t think of one policy the Obama administration has put forward which breaches the partisan divide.

8) The president comes across cocky, not confident on issues.

I think many voters have come to believe that they know more about economic issues than Obama does. And they would be right about that.

For a self-professed policy wonk, he sure seems to rely on advisors rather than his instincts. I think Americans suspect that the policy wonk talk is hyperbole designed to cover for his insecurity about his lack of knowledge.

7) He seems to always be hostage to some special interest. Whether it’s healthcare, bank reform or stimulus spending, Obama comes across either as a dupe or a known associate of a partner in crime.

He either doesn’t understand the implications of his policies or he fully understands them.

Americans will pick which is worse as they sit in a voting booth.

6) Obama tends to “double down” on problems rather than recognize something isn’t working. For example, rather than taking care to act outraged over Solyndra, Obama rushed to approve even more loans to companies as the loan deadline expired.

This is not an administration that the public thinks is a very good steward of money. And once again, they’re right about that.

5) The economic plan he’s tried hasn’t worked. The only things he’s changed are the excuse he uses.

Remember when he stopped talking about creating jobs and started talking about saving jobs instead? Remember how he told us all the economy was recovering in the first half of the year?

The American people will put up with sleight of mouth tricks like that for a bit, but will crucify you later for it. Read my lips, no new excuses.

4) Americans admire business success. That’s why we put guys like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates on such a pedestal and listen to them to the point of practically drooling over what they say.

Obama’s not promising the opportunity for unlimited success; instead he’s promising to everyone a limited type of security in lieu of success, which is alien to the American strive-and-succeed story.

3) The president’s base is hostile to the economic ideas that foster growth and reward merit, which are really the same thing.

The progressives believe in a top-down, centrally-planned economy with rewards doled out to favored groups based on a social outcome, rather than rewards based on economic merit.

Americans are sophisticated enough to understand that while a utility infielder may be overpaid at $1 million per year, that’s what the market will bear. They don’t necessarily begrudge the infielder his money. At the same time, they support a baseball owner’s right to make whatever profit he can.

This is the American way. Americans just want the right to be that infielder or major league owner based on merit.

Another example would be the administration’s attempt to create an electric car market in the US. Policies supporting the electric car market with government-created artificial incentives end up as constraints on the economy rather than incentives in the economy.

Americans want that car, like a utility infielder, to succeed on merit.

2) Obama won’t take responsibility for his failures.

It’s not just that he won’t take responsibility verbally. It’s that he won’t take responsibility policy-wise.

After enacting the stimulus plan that has contributed to the worst post-recession economic performance since the 1930s, Obama has back peddled.  But he’s also contributed nothing new to the debate besides trying to enact a smaller stimulus package.

Why would something that didn’t work previously work now because you are using a smaller version of it?

And lastly:

1) Obama lied about________________________________________ {fill in the blank and then report it to AttackWatch.com}.

And so it goes…as the old proverb says, “The dogs bark but the caravan moves on…”

*Truman’s famed Whistlestop tour included campaigning from the back of a train as it stopped at stations along the way, proclaiming his down home, honest image, and it worked. Against all odds and an already printed newpaper story proclaiming Thomas E. Dewey the winnter, Truman was the winner, leaving the Chicago Tribune with egg on its face and a morning paper with an incorrect headline.

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I am the whisper on the wend.The fire in your soul,

I, the will that cannot bend.

Unquenchable coal,

I’m the blaze of freedom’s mend.


Notes from Bones:

‘Wend’ is a term used by weavers, particularly on handlooms. They ‘wend’ the woof and warp of the weave… (I love alliteration.)  Part of the original meaning of the word ‘wend’ is to ‘twist.’ Thread is also ‘twisted’ – or woven – into cloth, creating patterns.
Metaphorically, those patterns – the ‘wend’ – are woven to become our society and culture. In a land of freedom, we don’t need the machines or industry of politics or of traditional institutions to weave the cloth of freedom for us. Free men and women can and do weave the cloth of our lives for ourselves. Free men and women create – weave – their own society and world. This independence and self-reliance is the blaze of freedom’s mend. The fire in your soul. That unquenchable coal.  That ‘blaze’ and ‘fire’ and ‘coal’ are the ‘thread’ that is used to weave the ‘cloth’ of freedom.
Thus, “…the whisper on the wend.”
The “I” in this little bit of doggerel is, of course, Freedom, itself – which is ‘weaving the cloth’ of freedom throughout the nation. This ‘cloth’ is now being mended anew…by the fire in our souls….that unquenchable coal.

Weaving Our Liberty

A huge and grateful WELCOME BACK to our very own Bones, Patriot Extroaordinaire and one heckuva dude!!!!!!!!!!!

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This from one of my favorite Wise Men, Brown Water Navy:

Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way you can
understand them. This quote came from the Czech Republic .
Someone over there has it figured out. We have a lot of work to do.:

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of
entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to
limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the
necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing
to have such a man for their president.”

“The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a
mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools
should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him
their prince.
The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a
fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who
made him their president.”

And that, in a nutshell, says it all.  Or…as another well known entity has said…”We have met the enemy and he is us.”*

Have a nice day, folks. The Dow is trundling downward, we are advised to bail, sell all and convert to metal, as American paper, formerly known as the Dollar, is nearing the end of its rule.

Bean, Bandaids and bullets…

* Walt Kelly’s Pogo

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Mondays 8:00 PM EST

(347) 202-0569

“The Dame Truth”
Empire of Illusion Continued
Sgt. Tim Harrington
Sgt. Larry Hutchins, exonerated,
Obama has made secret deals with the Iranian mullahcracy to facilitate the weakening of both the USA and Israel

Where do we go from here?

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Today, a cue from The Who’s ‘Won’t Get Screwed Fooled Again’ …Well, it looks like The Goog is still at it…World Net Daily reports that despite the HIGHLY irregular news [WHAT news about this guy IS EVER *regular*??!] that the Social Security Number currently in use for Mr. BarryDunhamSoetorObamawhateverhisnamereallyis comes from–get this folks–a CONNECTICUT origin, meaning that the prefix in SSNs denotes the state of birth for each person to whom an SSN is given.  Now, call me crazy, but…since when did this guy ever even reside in Connecticut, let alone get born there??? Believe me, sir, [to paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen] I’ve LIVED in Connecticut, and YOU’RE NO CONNECTICUT-er.]

For those who care, it is rumored that the cypher in the White House, a/k/a the current pResident [wonder if he gets all those junk mails that say “or current resident…”] has had no less than 16 Social Security Numbers.  It appears, however, that those in charge of Team Manipulating the Credentials have been more than just a bit lax…giving this guy a CONNECTICUT SSN when that is about the LEAST credible number this guy could get…and then there was that pesky little  passport thingy, that was a big clumsy boo boo, poor Quarles Harris, who agreed to testify ended up dead, apparently shot execution style,  in front of a church from a bullet in the head on that one…

But I digress.  Google, those ubiquitous folks who jumped on the Gonzo Bozo Barry SoetorObama bandwagon early on, continues to champion his cause in their monstrously huge effort to propound, propagate and protect this entity without a name, or rather, with so MANY names [AND SSNs] that it’s hard to keep it straight..but apparently, THAT is the goal here…so many names/numbers/places…so little time…

Google, in addiction addition to violently and virulently censoring and removing any offending points of view from Youtube, gmail, facebook and god knows what else they have their pixilated little fingers into, obdurately continues to shuck and jive and shuffle search terms in order to bury information they consider factual uncomplimentary to their chosen regime, namely, World Net Daily’s most salient piece about the Connecticut SSN.

WND Exclusive


Google hides Obama’s Social Security Number story

Searches for WND report diverted to Kagan, oil, Tampa stories

Posted: May 12, 2010
8:50 pm Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Internet giant Google today was hushing up the new dispute over President Obama’s strange Social Security number by diverting searches for news reports on the issue to unrelated stories about Elena Kagan, oil, Tampa and the Federal Reserve.

The actual story, posted on WND.com, explained how two private investigators – working independently – are asking why Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants in Connecticut while there is no record he ever had a mailing address in the state.

Under a Google news search for “President Obama Social Security number,” the top four results all quoted, “By Jerome R. Corsi Two private investigators working independently are asking why President Obama is using a Social Security number set aside for applicants…”

Is Google ‘evil’? Read the arguments in Joseph Farah’s “Stop the Presses!”

However, the first link is to Politico’s story about “Gay rights central to Elena Kagan fight,” the second links to Politico’s “Senate clears measure to audit Federal Reserve” story, the third links to a Politico story about the GOP plans for a convention in Tampa in 2012, and the last links to a Politico story about “Oil executives play pass the buck.”

Google spokesman Jake Hubert told WND that it appeared to be a “bug in the snippets.”

He said the company was looking into it.

The report on Obama’s number revealed records indicate it was issued between 1977 and 1979, yet Obama’s earliest employment reportedly was in 1975 at a Baskin-Robbins ice-cream shop in Oahu, Hawaii. [WAIT a MINUTE here…are they trying to tell us this man actually held gainful employment at some point??? No, wait, that’s impossible…everyone knows he is an *Organizer*]

// // // //

WND obtained copies of affidavits filed separately in a presidential eligibility lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia by Ohio licensed private investigator Susan Daniels and Colorado private investigator John N. Sampson.

The investigators believe Obama needs to explain why he is using a Social Security number reserved for Connecticut applicants that was issued at a date later than he is known to have held employment.

The Social Security website confirms the first three numbers in his ID are reserved for applicants with Connecticut addresses, 040-049.

“Since 1973, Social Security numbers have been issued by our central office,” the Social Security website explains. “The first three (3) digits of a person’s social security number are determined by the ZIP code of the mailing address shown on the application for a social security number.”

The question is being raised amid speculation about the president’s history fueled by an extraordinary lack of public documentation. Along with his original birth certificate, Obama also has not released educational records, scholarly articles, passport documents, medical records, papers from his service in the Illinois state Senate, Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records and adoption papers.

Robert Siciliano, president and CEO of IDTheftSecurity.com and a nationally recognized expert on identity theft, agrees the Social Security number should be questioned.

“I know Social Security numbers have been issued to people in states where they don’t live, but there’s usually a good reason the person applied for a Social Security number in a different state,” Siciliano told WND.

WND asked Siciliano whether he thought the question was one the White House should answer.

“Yes,” he replied. “In the case of President Obama, I really don’t know what the good reason would be that he has a Social Security number issued in Connecticut when we know he was a resident of Hawaii.”

Siciliano is a frequent expert guest on identify theft on cable television networks, including CNN, CNBC and the Fox News Channel.

Daniels and Sampson each used a different database showing Obama is using a Social Security number beginning with 042.

WND has further confirmed that the Social Security number in question links to Obama in the online records maintained by the Selective Service System. Inserting the Social Security number, his birth date and his last name produces a valid Selective Service number.

“There is obviously a case of fraud going on here,” Daniels maintained. “In 15 years of having a private investigator’s license in Ohio, I’ve never seen the Social Security Administration make a mistake of issuing a Connecticut Social Security number to a person who lived in Hawaii. There is no family connection that would appear to explain the anomaly.”

Daniels has been a licensed private investigator in Ohio since 1995. Sampson formed his private investigations firm, CSI Consulting and Investigations, in 2008. He previously worked as a deportations law enforcement officer with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The Daniels and Sampson affidavits were originally recorded by attorney Orly Taitz in an eligibility case against Obama last year.

And there you have it.  Another day in the life of a poseur impostor cypher enigma lawbreaker manchurian candidate aw heck, they’re STILL trying to find a word to describe this disaster…

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The Good News: Chicago Politics–Business As Usual…

One of the things commonly overlooked about Chicago machine politics:  Every so often, someone says, “If I go down, everybody goes down!” …and then, everybody goes down…    The only problem is that we end up with…

…Biden as Pres…

Parting thought…How many presidents is that now? The ones who’ve had to testify in court??? That rather says sumpthing about the state of affiars in America right there, doesn’t it…

http://tinyurl.com/2wkkx9d http://www.nbcchicago.com/blogs/ward-room/The-Six-Secrets-You-Need-to-Know-From-the-Blagojevich-Filing-91848634.html

Barack Obama, all your secrets are belong to US

Redactions Revealed: The Six Secrets You Need to Know From the Obama Subpoena Request  Update:

Judge calls emergency meeting over redaction errors. Former governor Rod Blagojevich’s defense team asked Thursday to issue a trial subpoena to the President of the United States of America. The motion, intended to be heavily redacted, was improperly edited — the full document was easily viewable if the text is copied and pasted to another document (an error first revealed on Capitol Fax).

Below, the six revelations the redacted portions were meant to conceal.

1.   Obama may [MAY??!] have lied about conversations with convicted fraudster Tony Rezko; Blagojevich’s lawyers allege that Rezko admitted breaking the law by contributing “a large sum of cash” to a public official. Blagojevich’s attorneys say that public official is Obama. Obama said that Rezko never relayed a request from a lobbyist to hold a fundraiser in favor of favorable legislative action. But the point may be moot: regardless of Obama talking/not talking to Rezko, Blagojevich’s attorneys say that Obama refused the request regardless.  Redacted portion: However, the defense has a good faith belief that Mr. Rezko, President Obama’s former friend, fund-raiser, and neighbor told the FBI and the United States Attorneys a different story about President Obama. In a recent in camera proceeding, the government tendered a three paragraph letter indicating that Rezko “has stated in interviews with the government that he engaged in election law violations by personally contributing a large sum of cash to the campaign of a public official who is not Rod Blagojevich. … Further, the public official denies being aware of cash contributions to his campaign by Rezko or others and denies having conversations with Rezko related to cash contributions. … Rezko has also stated in interviews with the government that he believed he transmitted a quid pro quo offer from a lobbyist to the public official, whereby the lobbyist would hold a fundraiser for the official in exchange for favorable official action, but that the public official rejected the offer. The public official denies any such conversation. In addition, Rezko has stated to the government that he and the public official had certain conversations about gaming legislation and administration, which the public official denies having had.

Redacted footnote: The defense has a good faith belief that this public official is Barack Obama.

2.   Obama may have overtly recommended Valerie Jarret for his Senate seat.  Blagojevich’s defense team basically alleges that Obama told a certain labor union official that he (Obama) would support Valerie Jarrett’s candidacy for the Senate seat. Jarrett, referred to as “Senate Candidate B”, is now a senior advisor to the president.

Redacted portion: Yet, despite President Obama stating that no representatives of his had any part of any deals, labor union president told the FBI and the United States Attorneys that he spoke to labor union official on November 3, 2008 who received a phone message from Obama that evening. After labor union official listened to the message labor union official told labor union president “I’m the one”. Labor union president took that to mean that labor union official was to be the one to deliver the message on behalf of Obama that Senate Candidate B was his pick. (Labor union president 302, February 2, 2009, p. 7). Labor union official told the FBI and the United States Attorneys “Obama expressed his belief that [Senate Candidate B] would be a good Senator for the people of Illinois and would be a candidate who could win re-election. [Labor union official] advised Obama that [labor union official] would reach out to Governor Blagojevich and advocate for [Senate Candidate B] … [Labor union official] called [labor union president] and told [labor union president] that Obama was aware that [labor union official] would be reaching out to Blagojevich.” (Labor union official 302, February 3, 2009 p. 3).

3.   A supporter of President Obama may have offered quid pro quo on a Jarrett senate appointment

Redacted portion: Supporter of Presidential Candidate Obama is mentioned in a phone call on November 3, 2008, having offered “fundraising” in exchange for Senate Candidate B for senator (Blagojevich Home Phone Call # 149).

4.   Obama maintained a list of good Senate candidates.

Redacted portion: President-elect Obama also suggested Senate Candidate A to Governor Blagojevich. John Harris told the FBI and the United States Attorneys that he spoke to President’s Chief of Staff on November 12, 2008. Harris took notes of the conversation and wrote that President’s Chief had previously worked as Blagojevich’s press secretary. Obama agreed of Staff told Harris that Senate Candidate A was acceptable to Obama as a senate pick. (Harris handwritten notes, OOG1004463) President’s Chief of Staff told the FBI that “he could not say where but somewhere it was communicated to him that” Senate Candidate A was a suggested candidate viewed as one of the four “right” candidates “by the Obama transition team.”

5.  Rahm Emanuel allegedly floated Cheryl Jackson’s name for the Senate sea.

Redacted portion: President’s Chief of Staff told the FBI that he had a conversation discussing the Senate seat with Obama on December 7, 2008 in Obama’s car. President’s Chief of Staff told the FBI “Obama expressed concern about Senate Candidate D being appointed as Senator.  [President’s Chief of Staff] suggested they might need an expanded list to possibly include names of African Americans that came out of the business world. [President’s Chief of Staff] thought he suggested Senate Candidate E who was the head of the Urban League and with President’s Chief of Staff’s suggestion.

6.   Obama had a secret phone call with Blagojevich.

Redacted portion: President-elect Obama also spoke to Governor Blagojevich on December 1, 2008 in Philadelphia. On Harris Cell Phone Call # 139, John Harris and Governor’s legal counsel discuss a conversation Blagojevich had with President-elect Obama. The government claims a conspiracy existed from October 22, 2008 continuing through December 9, 2008.

That conversation is relevant to the defense of the government’s theory of an ongoing conspiracy. Only Rod Blagojevich and President Obama can testify to the contents of that conversation. The defense is allowed to present evidence that corroborates the defendant’s testimony. BY Ward Room Staff // 2 hours ago

Well…glad to hear SOMEONE in America is getting Due Process…

H/T Bones, The Research Man!

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I received this question along with an email about the Rev. Manning’s upcoming Obama eligibility trial May 15 in Harlem, NY.  I urge everyone to attend if at all possible, and to follow and spread the word.  We ARE making a huge difference, as each grain of sand comprises the beach!

This Manning is undoubtedly well intentioned, but this upcoming ‘trial’ seems almost farcical to me.  Will MSM pick it up? No.  Will it have any impact whatsoever?  Maybe if we pray hard enough  . . .
My Response:
Rev. Manning has a huge following and is quite visible everywhere but MSM.  The entire movement is such that each initiative, while seemingly small, insignificant and unreported, in fact mobilizes even more people, wth the end result being like that of grains of sand forming a very large beach.  In DC last year there were 2.1 Million–MILLION–people.  I was there, I saw them coming for days, and amassing in the streets, the Capitol and theMall.  Did msm report it?  no, not at all.  Did it happen?  Oh yes indeedy!

I am not by any stretch touting my virtues, but along with millions of other Americans, the impact we have had in the last two years, actually in the last ONE year is absolutely astounding!  Administration and Media are going crazy, running in circles with terror, trying to disparage and minimize this movement and it’s not working.  We got NJ, VA and MASSACHUSETTS of all places–a bought-and-paid-for, 50 year Dem stronghold to throw them out!!

I continue to be amazed each day by the power of this movement. God knows where it will end, and may God help us all…these are indeed *interesting* times, but it is clear that the corruption, manipulation and flouting of our Constitution is about to end, one way or another.  I get letters from more people every day, expressing their disgust with and their sincerest intention to throw the criminals out of office.  Thanks to the net, cell phones and instant video, citizen journalists have supplanted mainstream media and most people realize that–they pay no attention to whatever mendacious blather and propaganda they’re being fed by MSM.
Heck, we’ve got these criminals in the District of Corruption resigning before the election even starts–they are on the run because they KNOW they’re dead in the water as a result of their callous disregard for their constituents and their wishes; they turn off their phones and head for the hills every time.  They are learning the hard way that THEY work for US–and that THEY are about to be FIRED by US, so they’re quitting before going down in flames.
I have to call it as I see it and I don’t have a crystal ball, but the steam is rising in this nation and the corrupt criminals that have been running the shell game are now starting to run for the hills..and I don’t mean CAPITOL hill either!
Oh, and please visit Rev. Manning’s Atlah Ministries site for more information!   http://atlah.org/atlahworldwide/?page_id=6993

From: Pamela
Date: April 15, 2010 7:02:59 AM PDT (CA)

Please forward to your list

There have been new developments in our president’s eligibility.
On May 14Th 2010. There will be a trial in Harlem NY.

On behalf of the American people we are calling on you to up hold our constitution to be at the trial. Also to circulate this email in your state as fast as possible. To make as many  people aware of this trial as quickly as  possible and to register them as quickly as possible. We don’t have much time.

We at the HR 1503 coalition feel that from a geological stand point that it is to your advantage because you are closer than most of the country.

We suspect many people from your region will attend if they are aware of the CIA Columbia Obama treason trial. So we are calling on you for urgent help.

Please circulate this e-mail to as many people as you can as quickly as you can! Also you may forward the links and paste them also on your web sites, face books and blogs.

Below will be a link that contains a video please watch the video at the top of the page. This link must go out to as many people as quickly as we can get it to them.

Thank you for being there for our nation in this time of need. This will be the trial of the century. This is not a joke. Thank you so much for your efforts please feel free to contact us.  Thank you for up holding our constitution.

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Darkest Knight of All

…the tagline here is, of course, “…only I, the pResident of the World has THAT!”  With NO legitimate documentation WHATSOEVER about his medical history, school records [save an elementary school form declaring him a Muslim and Indonesian citizen], college records, papers, rosters or even simple proof of American citizenship, this guy has more than a lot of nerve to make a statement like this to American citizens.  Of course, that is the key:  not being one himself, he has no regard for their rights, their Constitution or their system of government, traditions or culture.

But don’t take it from me–read the entire piece by Liz Blaine at David Horowitz’s NewsReal.  It’s enough to make you hurl whatever it is handy at the moment.

In a terrifying nutshell, he and his henchmen, criminals all, are decisively and derisively throwing out our Fourth Amendment rights as recognized by our Constitution,* their specious argument being that:

without a court-ordered warrant, to gain access to cellular provider records documenting the time and location American citizens place cell phone calls. I know you’re thinking, “But what about my Constitutional rights against search and seizure?” Those rights will no longer exist. The Obama administration is advocating that,

“Warrantless tracking is permitted because Americans enjoy no ‘reasonable expectation of privacy’ whereabouts. U.S. Department of Justice lawyers say that ‘a customer’s Fourth Amendment rights are not violated when the phone company reveals to the government its own records’ that show where a mobile device placed and received calls.

But cellular providers record more information than just when and where a call is placed. All cell phones “ping” the closest cell phone towers when not in use, alerting the tower it is within its transmission range, even when it’s turned off.  The only way to disconnect a cell phone’s ability to contact the towers is to remove its battery.

pResident in hizzown mind

Needless to say, it is reasonable to assume that this latest perfidy has amused Himself greatly.


Fourth Amendment, U.S. Constitution:

*The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

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