
Posts Tagged ‘Tea Party’

Fool For a Day

To repeat a well known phrase from our beloved Diamond Tiger, Today’s AYFKM/Hypocrite Of  The Day Award goes to:


“I don’t think we should be supporting the Tea Party or any other party,” he said. Earlier this week, the network published an article to its website that was semi-critical of the tea party.

ROTFLMAO, at the risk of sounding cynical…when was the last time Rupert Murdoch didn’t take a side, especially when it has to do with money?!  Recently having strengthened his alliance with the Saudi’s, whose holdings in FOX recently increased by  14% , Murdoch is hardly in a position to cry “FOUL!” at someone for taking a side.

From WorldNetDaily:



Fox pulls Hannity from tea-party rally

Host planned to broadcast show live from Cincinnati

Posted: April 15, 2010
8:26 pm Eastern

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Sean Hannity

WASHINGTON – Angry Fox News executives ordered Sean Hannity to abandon plans, announced as late as this afternoon on his nationally syndicated radio program, to broadcast his TV show from a Cincinnati tea-party rally he was headlining, a Los Angeles Times media blog reported.

Hannity, on a book tour for his No. 1 best-seller “Conservative Victory: Defeating Obama’s Radical Agenda,” was scheduled to be the featured speaker at a four-hour rally at the University of Cincinnati – with as many as 13,000 in attendance. Proceeds from the event were to benefit a local tea-party organization.

But senior Fox News executives said they were not aware Hannity was being billed as the centerpiece of the event or that tea-party organizers were charging for admission to Hannity’s show as part of the rally. They first learned of it this morning from John Finley, Hannity’s executive producer, who was in Cincinnati to produce Hannity’s show,  reported the Times’ media blog “Show Tracker.”

Attendees were being charged a minimum of $5, with seats near Hannity’s set going for $20.

The execs reportedly recalled Hannity to New York to do his show in his regular studio. The network plans to do an extensive post-mortem about the incident with Finley and Hannity’s staff.

“Fox News never agreed to allow the Cincinnati Tea Party organizers to use Sean Hannity’s television program to profit from broadcasting his show from the event,” said Bill Shine, the network’s executive vice president of programming, according to the Times blog. “When senior executives in New York were made aware of this, we changed our plans for tonight’s show.”

Last week, News Corp boss Rupert Murdoch said before a Washington, D.C. crowd that Fox News should not be supporting the movement.

“I don’t think we should be supporting the Tea Party or any other party,” he said. Earlier this week, the network published an article to its website that was semi-critical of the tea party.

Reached in New York, Hannity declined to comment other than to say he planned to do his show tonight in studio.

Recently, much to HuffPo’s delight, FOX published a semi critical article about the Tea Party Movement, giving sway to long time main stream media’s frenzied efforts to discount, demonize and derail the mounting number of Americans who have realized they are being tyrannized, lied to and swindled by their government and its complicit corporate media…

Ya gotta laugh, right?  I mean…come ON folks…could they BE any less transparent??

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distressbetsy_ross-first-american-flagWell, people, there you have it, straight from the horse’s mouth.  The reports are out and, as we knew already, it isn’t pretty.  As if to herald the sheer thrill of managing to stay IN the Oval Office this long, The One went wild this week, terrorizing innocent New Yorkers with a “flyover” guaranteed to render everyone in the Tri State area a permanent episode of post traumatic stress and flooding the public with Fear of Flu.  Well…don’t say I didn’t warn you but…  I told you so…oh wait, YOU’RE the ones that already knew it.

The New York Post, rarely intimidated by the GE Corporate Media Cabal, was forthcoming as usual, with their assessment of the last 100 days of hell, and trust me when I say that THAT is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.  Our intrepid patriot at Hillbuzz did raise an interesting question this week about the connection between cocaine abuse and early onset Parkinsons Disease.  That would certainly explain, among other things, the need for a constant script rendered on a teleprompter,  to keep “One”  focused, prevent  confusion, losing train of thought, and allowing  medication to overcome him with giddiness, paranoia, or hallucinations — all symptoms of Parkinson’s.  Just sayin’…

And, as if that weren’t enough…

So much to do, so little time…and so, we continue to not only rage against the empire, but also to take measured, concrete and effective action!  Drkate and I welcomed Free Enterpriser’s Tom Borelli of GE annual meeting infiltrator fame [take your pick from Scroogle–Tom’s story broke in the Hollywood Reporter, Drudge, Glenn Beck and O’Reilly among others]  last night on Constitutional Radio for an exhilarating session of brainstorming live.  Among the things we came up with:

  • BOYCOTT:  Each and every GE product you can think of.
  • BOYCOTT: ALL Proctor & Gamble products; their CEO sits on GE BOD
  • GET ACTIVE WITH ACCDF, the fast growing coalition of American Constitution & Capitalism Defense Front at http://accdf.com
  • SUPPORT OTHER Coalitions, Initiatives, Rallies, Marches & Protests, including but not limited to the Tea Party Movement, Glenn Beck’s the912Project, and of course, ACCDF
  • READ AND CARRY a copy of the Constitution.  Yes I KNOW you’ll be forever branded as a deranged, patriotic domestic terrorist, but who cares. Do it anyway.  You”ll be in fine company.
  • EDUCATE, INFORM, LISTEN AND SPEAK! READ Logistics Monster, Atlas Shrugs, drkate, The Dame Truth, Pat Dollard, TELL others and TALK about it all the time and LISTEN to Blogtalk Radio, our blessed alternative to mainstream media’s crack house drivel, and KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT!
  • SHARE: experience, strength and hope, mailing lists, ideas, our American history and anything and everything else that demonstrates support for the Movement and one another. [well…not everything…]

And above all, treasure youself–we’re all we’ve got!  Stay tuned for our Rolling Thunder Rollout of Rally for the Republic–coming soon to a computer near you, sponsored by our Constitutional Radio, The Dame Truth, and all you Patriots, without whom we can do nothing,  for we have just begun to fight!

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teaparty1April 15, 2009.  Tax Day. Tea Parties. Main stream media’s desperate attempt to portray non partisan patriots as “Right Wing Extremists,  Loonies” and, horror of horrors, “returning vets.”  Now, I understand full well the obligation corporate controlled, main stream media has to collude with and propound the Obama Agenda, and, things being what they are, this is not a recent revelation.  But when they stoop to portraying some of the bravest, most patriotic and hard working people in the world, a/k/a our American Military, THAT is OVER THE LINE.  Why is it that, since Vietnam, every veteran, especially those who have served our country with the greatest personal sacrifices of time, and sometimes their very own health and well being, is characterized by main stream media as a “right wing veteran lunatic fringe???”  This make my blood boil.  I am a moderate.  I was a Democrat for many years before I saw that odious bunch hijack my party and my country for what is clearly an America hating, illegal alien who, by his own admission, will stand behind the Muslim world before the country whose leadership he has usurped.  I have voted for candidates from all parties at one time or another, not because I am wishy washy in my beliefs, but because I believe in voting for the candidate I deem best suited for the job.  I believe in our Constitution and in the troops sworn to preserve and protect it, from enemies within and without.  I have the utmost admiration for our vets because they do what I feel I cannot–effectively protect our country and its citizens from the front lines.  They count among my most treasured friends, and I do NOT like seeing them disparaged, dismissed and characterized as nuts, for they are smarter than most people in that they have seen things most of us have not, and they know what is real…and what is not.

So, for what is real today:  our Constitution, the strength and commitment of our military, and the Alamo, site of one of today’s big Tea Parties, and symbol of American tenacity.constit


Hoping you all had a great Tea Party and are keeping up with news and updates through sources other than main stream media, for the only thing certain at this point is that they are merely an inefficient tool of the tyranny we face.  As Americans, we can take heart not only in our framers andforefathers, but in our collective Spirit of Unity, Patriotism and support of our troops!


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damefinallogomedThe Dame Truth


Monday Nights 8 PM EST

(347) 202-0569

Join the Dame!

to welcome

Dr. Orly Taitz
John Ziegler

A champion of American patriotism and the U.S. Constitution, Dr. Taitz’s tireless efforts to have her cases about Constitutional POTUS Eligibility heard are a power of example to every American as she has traveled literally thousands of miles to speak, meet with Justices Roberts and Scalia at book signings, and do hundreds of media appearances. Thus she has engaged the American public in one of the most critical times in its its history. Teo Bear will weigh in on his Birthers.org site as well, followed by John Ziegler, to discuss his upcoming screening of

“Media  Malpractice”

in NYC this coming Friday night
Monday night at 8:00 PM EST. Call ins with questions and comments welcome!

Hope to see you there!
The Dame;)

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