
Posts Tagged ‘CNN’

Interestingly, CNN is covering the Nashville Tea Party convention!  How do I know this when I never WATCH CNN?  Because I am with people who do, and I hear the reports wafting in from the other room.  Despite some initial differences of opinion and the withdrawal of some, the conference has gone forward wonderfully well with speakers including Judge Roy Moore, World Net Daily’s Joseph Farah, Andrew Breitbart and Sarah Palin–and fringe media’s CNN is covering it!  Something must be up–for they have never been known to report anything that doesn’t benefit their handlers’ best interests.

Indeed, Around the 1950s and 60s, The Tempest attracted much attention from post-colonial critics for its portrayal of Ariel’s and Caliban’s reactions to foreign control of their island; the irony is not lost here, as Americans’ alarm grows with the knowledge that attempts by Globalists, pushing for a New World Order,  continue to compromise and create increasing vulnerability of the U.S. to outside entities, jihadists and corporate interests.  In earlier times, Americans’ sense of safety and trust in their system of government and representation made them sufficiently complacent to believe that things like this “could never happen HERE.*  Now they know better.  The unthinkable has happened and these issues have awakened Americans to the fact that, unless we muster our forces, indeed they can, do and will.  In complicity with their own government’s perfidy and unwillingness to be responsive to constituents they are in danger of losing the Republic for which so many have fought, risked and died.

And so, Americans in the know have now been coming together.  After nearly two years, the Movement shows no sign of abating and in fact, is alive and well, its numbers growing daily.

Amidst a multitude of standing ovations at the Gaylord Grand Old Opry Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee this weekend, speakers spoke clearly about the issues which disturb the vast majority of the American people; the time has come to rally around our principles and support one another in the momentous task of restoring honor and accountability to our Republic.  Despite almost two years of mainstream media’s fervent, frequent and failed attempts to marginalize, discredit and ridicule Americans who care about their country, their families and their futures, the wheels of justice have indeed begun to turn and gain momentum.  C-Span, CNN, FOX News, Al-Jazeera and a veritable host of media were issued press credentials for this momentous event and online stream, blog and forums rounded out the pressbox.

Despite attempts to align the Tea Party movement with the right wing of the RNC, it is clear that nothing could be farther from the truth.  Is there an attempt to harness and utilize the passion, commitment and energy that fuels this movement?  Of course.  That is Basic Political Strategy 101.  Will Americans succumb to the attempt?  Not likely, not at all.  Not now, not ever.  For they are sick and sickened to death with what has become American government’s Business As Usual; riding roughshod over the working poor, forcing taxpayers to fund porkbarrel politics, *entitlements* for illegal aliens who do not even respect our laws enough to enter the country legally, paying Pelosi’s special jet fare of $60,000 per trip [about $18,000 per hour] and its food and bar bill  of over $100,000 a year, insensitive bail outs going to people who should be in jail for criminal activity intead of getting hefty bonuses. the People have had ENOUGH.

It’s just beginning, folks.  Stay tuned.

The Storm of  ’10 closed schools, offices and transit in the DC area north to South Jersey.  We hope its effects on the safety of Americans are minimal despite the inconvenience.

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mcglobeanchor3…or a Sailor, Airman, Soldier or Guardsman. For all our Military who stand on the line to keep us safe, I offer these thoughts and thanks today, after we have witnessed the blasphemies from DHS, Congress, Main Scream Media, most particularly Messrs. Immelt and Zucker, representing General Electric, CNN and NBC, the White House, and the Ever Odious Dose of Pelosi, characterizing  patriotic Americans as “astroturf” and our veterans as ‘violent, lunatic fringe, right wing extremist domestic terrorists’ even as they risk their own lives for us and for their country, over and over, deployment after deployment. To those whose ignorance and insensitivity will be their legacy, I say ‘Shame On YOU!’ and to those they have insulted, I say “Care not, for they are not worthy of wiping the sand from your boots.” 99.99% of Americans appreciate, with awe and gratitude, the sacrifices our Military makes. It is best expressed, however, in these words, written by LCPL Chris Rogusky Lima Co. 3/25 USMC

There is nothing like a Marine.
His emotions are inpenatrable
yet his shoulders are soft for those that need someone to lean on.
His hands are firm yet know exactly where they need to be.
If he has his arms wrapped around you
you’re either in the last moments of your life or the safest place you could ever be.
He’s stubborn but will let you have your way just to see you smile.
He’s deadly with a rifle and gentle with a child.
He plays poker with the devil but guards the gates of heaven.
He curses like no other but is a perfect gentleman.
He has a thousand yard stare
but when you look into his eyes its the most comforting thing you’ve ever felt.
The Marine Corps trained him as a weapon but raised him as a lover.
He knows Every part of an M-16 as well as he knows every curve of his woman.
There is no other man like him.
Whether you love him or hate him both is a priviledge.
He could be your worst nightmare or your sweetest dream.
He is a United States Marine.

Honor, Duty, eMail: There is Nothing Like a Marine, posted at eMailOurMilitary. And, for a day in the life of an ETT Soldier, head from AtlasShrugs to Afghanistan Shrugs to get a true picture of what is transpiring there, posted by someone on the ground, in the front, and on the line in Afghanistan.
And THAT’S The Dame Truth. Be Well, Stay Safe, and may God bless you all. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


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