
Posts Tagged ‘Continental Congress’

It is the anniversary of *THE* Original Boston Tea Party, from whence the current Movement sprung, some 216 years later!

It is also the date of the last day of the first military action of the Revolutionary war. Armed New Hampshiremen removed barrels of gunpowder and cannon and musket from an armed British Garrison and lowered the British flag. Although the Patriots (for the American cause) were fired on, there were no fatalities recorded. On December 13th 1774 Paul Revere rode some forty odd miles in snowy conditions from Boston the Portsmouth, New Hampshire to warn the the Committee of Correspondence contact Samuel Cutts of the British intention to embargo gunpowder to the colonies.

And, our Third Continental Congress, convened in St. Charles, Illinois this year from November 11 – 21st, too, took its lead from those previous, in 1774 and 1776.  And we all know the result of the Second Congress.

And so, Patriots, whose numbers grow daily, even as we break for Christmas, Chanukah, Yuletide and all other Season’s celebrations, remember well the courage of our forefathers and mothers; remember, WE ARE AMERICANS! May God bless and keep us all, and our Republic.

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From St. Charles, Illinois

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Continental Congress 2009 Live


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Silhouettesoldiers-viVETERANS DAY 2009: always a solemn day, it is made all the more so by the horror wrought upon Ft. Hood at the hands of Mr. Hasan, who singlehandedly committed  the most heinous terrorist act in the history of our military last Thursday.  Not to be outdone, Homeland Security Secretary Janet “Veterans-Are-All-Domestic-Terrorist-Act-Suspects” Napolitano’s VERY FIRST PRIORITY was to insure that U.S. Authorities were taking steps to quell anti-Islam sentiments and prevent a backlash against the Muslim community.

Mr. SoetorObama followed the act by hauling himself to Ft. Hood for yet another photo op, where he read another teleprompter speech filled with unemotional platitudes and meaningless words.

As a result of these events, I found it difficult to do Constitutional Radio last night.  I found myself stuttering, stumbling and at a loss for words–something that rarely happens to a chatterbox like me.  Try as I might, I could not find the appropriate words to adequately desribe these heinous events, or the extent of my feelings of grief and outrage about them.  I did the unthinkable, for me: I inserted three musical breaks.  My producer, Janet, messaged me: “You NEVER take breaks! Are you OK?”  I wasn’t OK.  I was, and still am, seething, shaken and frightened, heartbroken and almost clueless as to what to do about it all, for each day it appears clear that  even after nearly two years of 24/7 activism, we have come a long way, but not nearly far enough toward taking our country back.

To try to find something good from the Ft. Hood Massacre is harder than finding the atoms in the haystack needle; however, it is times like these that force us to look at a bigger picture, if for nothing else but to temper the pain and rage we feel, and so I offer this:  The jig is up.  60% of Americans believe without question that the events at Ft. Hood were a terrorist act; among those who have been following the November 5th events closely the figure is closer to 80%.  If nothing else, Americans have been kicked,and kicked into action for what we hope is the last time.  All of the authorities–several of whom have appeared as guests on my shows–have been warning us that indeed, our military, law enforcement and all three branches of our government are now infiltrated by Jihadist, Islamic fundamentalists, and until now, all have been ignored.  It is FACT that Mr. Hasan was in touch with radical Islamists; his Imam had counseled three of the 911 perpetrators; he had voiced radical views many times in front of many witnesses, claiming that infidels should be beheaded and burned.  And yet–no one did anything, and the Pentagon decided that he was not a danger to anyone. 

Every single person who gave this man a pass has blood on their hands at Ft. Hood and they ALL  need to be held accountable.  Every single man locked up in Ft. Leavenworth for doing their sworn duty in a battle zone should be given a medal and exonerated, while those who allowed the Hasan Massacre should be incarcerated for many years to come.

Please, please, in the name of all that is holy, DO NOT LET THOSE WHO DIED AND THOSE WHO SUFFER AT FT. HOOD DO SO IN VAIN. Be vigilant; be aware; do NOT allow fear of retribution from word police, politically correct fascists or any  other  entity prevent you from rising up against the scourge of Jihadists right here in our America.  Put pressure on ANY AND ALL GOVERNMENT ENTITIES AND OFFICIALS WHO REFUSE TO HONOR OUR COUNTRY AND ITS CONSTITUTION in favor of appeasing those whose sole mantra is to kill anyone who disagrees with them.

For starters: Janet Napolitano and General Casey both must go.  MoveAmericaForward.org has called for her termination.  Join with them to voice your outrage at a government official whose sole priority is to appease the Muslim community at the expense of our own troops.  And don’t stop there. Keep going until Americans are safe on their own soil, and Americans who question those who violate the Constitution are safe from retribution.

So there you have it.  I head to Chicago tomorrow to join other Patriots in their endeavors at the 2009 Continental Congress; to report to whoever will listen that our Constitution is alive and well, and demands to be heard; and to meet with others of like mind who have seen the dangers they feared come to pass.

Not a happy Veterans Day, this, but as they say–it is what it is.  We now must move forward.

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