
Posts Tagged ‘Pelosi’

To compare the current squatters residents of our White House to Marie Antionette & co. is to do bit of a disservice to the latter.  For one thing, Marie took a lot of heat for the acts of her predecessors; for another, she dressed rather well, as opposed to the Moo, who usually looks more like a crazed, infantile Halloween costume run amok than the wife of a head of state…oh, wait…;  and  for yet another, Marie was  very young [a teenager] and lacked the benefit of much formal education, whereas Moo…well, perhaps that is going too far as Moochelle, while having taken up space in some ivied halls, gives little indication of having actually absorbed much of the knowledge there; and, whereas Marie has since been somewhat vindicated as more a victim of that era than a perpetrator, the Moo remains a prime villain, major perpetrator and highly visible symbol for much of the dissatisfaction, disgust and unrest that most Americans are feeling now…but I digress…

What these two women [and, not to leave anyone out, Nancy Pelosi as well]  do share in common is that they are the personification of the words “greedy excess,” which is distasteful enough in and of itself, but when perpetrated upon the broken backs of a beggared society is not only despicable, it is cretinous, inflammatory and unforgivable.  As Marie Antoinette could have told them, there are few things more dangerous and less willing to listen to reason than an outraged populace whose money has been stolen.

An October 4, 2011 edition of  World Net Daily reports that the Obama daughters were designated for their big trip to Africa as “Senior Staff.”  EXCUSE ME????  Since when do two attendees of Sidwell Friends–whose averred classmates, according to their father,  include the Ayers children [who a in their 30s] classify as SENIOR STAFF???  HAVE these people no SHAME?

And again, not to leave Nancy out here, how on earth does anyone eat a $130 pile of junk the like of which was purchased on her behalf from a Detroit convenience store??  That shopping list alone is enough to gag a maggot.

Among the receipts: $130 from a Detroit store for popcorn, cheese puffs, Hershey’s milk chocolate kisses, peanuts, Snickers minis, Nilla wafers, ginger snaps, mixed nuts, dry roasted peanuts, M&M peanuts, Kraft caramels and crackers.

That order apparently was connected to a congressional delegation trip to Detroit that cost some $24,000 in air travel expenses plus another $10,000 in miscellaneous expenses.

The records, which are linked Judicial Watch’s website, include flight manifests, expense summaries, copies of receipts and congressional correspondence for Pelosi’s trips in 2010.

There’s not a grand total for the expenditures because of the nature of the reporting: Sometimes there were reimbursements listed for members of Pelosi’s family traveling with her, and it was unclear whether those reimbursements were paid.

And that, my friends, is but a few of the many stories about the greed of those who currently root at the Washington trough at our expense.

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bunnyI offer a compendium of topics, related only by their surreal qualities. Either that, or that 3 hours of gardening today pumped out so much serotonin that I cannot be held responsible for what The Mind On Serotonin does.

In New York it’s 4:37 PM, a soft and sunny 75; it’s 1:57 AM in Kandahar, Afghanistan, 70 F, and I just finished reading the newswire about Marjah, where American forces have seized 16 tons of opiates, 45 tons of explosive making material and a large supply of heroin refining product. Not far from there, in the Desert of Death, so named by locals for its less than hospitable conditions, the USMC is building a 443 acre Camp Leatherneck, started in January, which will house the largest combat zone parking field [that’s for air craft, not cars] in the world, so it looks like we’re there to stay awhile.

Sadly, John Brown, Jr., one of the original 29 Navajo Code Talkers who developed a communication code the Japanese were unable to break passed from this world yesterday at the age of 88. Their contribution to our success in WWII was monumental and was not declassified until 1968. The 29 received the Congressional Gold Medal in 2001. As we near Memorial Day, it is ever more important to remember that although the “official” day of remembrance was changed so that it could always be on a Monday, thereby affording Americans another annual three day weekend, the actual Memorial Day falls on May 30.

On other fronts, California is still broke, Nancy Pelosi is still a liar, and Joe Biden is still as senseless as a goat, having revealed the location of the Vice Presidential safe house to the public.  Since it was fitted out in 2001 at great expense, it was fairly new and will probably now have to be recreated elsewhere at the taxpayers’ expense.  As usual.

In New York four people were arrested today on charges of plotting to shoot military aircraft at Stewart Airfield with Stingers, blow up two Synagoges in the Bronx, and generally create havoc and terrorism wherever they could find it. It is said that three of them converted to Islam while serving time in American jails…and the BOzo in the White House wants to bring Gitmo guys here??

A friend who spent time in a locked mental ward recently told me he had been watching a Lakers game on the TV there when the cameras showed some footage of Jack Nicholson, an avid fan, in the stands. He couldn’t help being reminded of watching Nicholson years ago in a theater in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” wherein Jack unwittingly becomes trapped in a locked mental ward. Yes indeed, welcome to the Rabbit Hole, where life imitates art, the insane seems sane and the surreal unfolds, all day, every day.


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