
Posts Tagged ‘Leavenworth 10’

Back to the Nets!

We’ve been working on the new site upgrade with new server and we’re finally getting back to our dot net url, which was lost last year, so from now on, The Dame’s url is, once again, http://thedametruth.net!

Looking forward to our continued initiative in seeking, speaking and spreading the truth, whatever it may be!

Dame Truth Radio at its new Monday 11 PM EST time is gathering speed with an awesome new, uber tech producer from whose genius we shall all benefit as we roll out each new show this Fall with enhanced audio clips and a Leavenworth Special, recorded ” Live from Leavenworth” at the first annual Leavenworth 10 Freedom Ride on September 4, 2010, honoring those brave men so wrongfully incarcerated there as a result of their service in middle east combat zones.

Honor These Brave Men Who Served Their Country Well

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Look at their faces…go to the link…tell everyone you know…and get the TRUTH out there, because the media is NOT doing it!!!



We celebrate the bravery of the courageous men who have been put in Leavenworth for doing their duty while serving our country and fighting to preserve and protect our Constitution! 

Stay tuned! The Dame WILL report the truth!


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In Mourning for America

Uh…call me crazy, but…isn’t THIS considered treason? ?  Why aren’t all of these people being arrested, held and tried for exposing secrets that endanger our national security and our troops??

Um…didn’t they execute the Rosenbergs for a whole lot LESS than this??????

I received this from the American Forces Press Service <afps@subscriptions.dod.mil> with regard to the Wikileaks folks, who remain at large, or should I say living large, while our nation and our troops teeter on the edge, victims of literate Jihadists everywhere who can read or translate English.

Ah…AGAIN, folks…

Uh…call me crazy, but…isn’t THIS considered treason? ?  Why aren’t all of these people being arrested, held and tried for exposing secrets that endanger our national security and our troops??

Um…didn’t they execute the Rosenbergs for a whole lot LESS than this??????




I am one heckuvan ANGRY AMERICAN right now, and this is but one of the reasons:

Pentagon Releases Letter Sent to Purported WikiLeaks Attorney
Wed, 18 Aug 2010 18:11:00 -0500

Pentagon Releases Letter Sent to Purported WikiLeaks Attorney

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Aug. 18, 2010 – Defense Department officials today released a letter the Pentagon’s top lawyer sent to a man purported to be an attorney for the WikiLeaks website, which published tens of thousands of classified documents last month and is threatening to release 15,000 more.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman told reporters this afternoon that Timothy J. Matusheski was a “no show” for a telephone call that was arranged last week when his name and purported status as a WikiLeaks attorney came up in an investigation of the document leak.

The following day, Whitman said, the Pentagon’s general counsel codified the Defense Department’s position in a letter and sent it to Matusheski.

Here is the text of the letter, dated Aug. 16 and signed by General Counsel Jeh C. Johnson. Words that were underlined in the original are presented here in all capital letters:

Dear Mr. Matusheski

I understand that you represent yourself to be an attorney for WikiLeaks and that you, on behalf of that organization, sought a conversation with someone in the United States Government to discuss “harm minimization” with respect to some 15,000 U.S. Government classified documents that WikiLeaks is holding and is threatening to make public. In response, I was prepared to speak with you yesterday at 10:00am EDT and convey the position of the Department of Defense. Despite your agreement to be available by telephone yesterday morning, we could not reach you at that time.

The position of the Department of Defense is clear, and it should be conveyed to your client in no uncertain terms:

WikiLeaks is holding the property of the U.S. Government, including classified documents and sensitive national security information that has not been authorized for release. Further, it is the view of the Department of Defense that WikiLeaks obtained this material in circumstances that constitute a violation of United States law, and that as long as WikiLeaks holds this material, the violation of the law is ongoing.

The Secretary of Defense has made clear the damage to our national security by the public release by WikiLeaks of some 76,000 classified documents several weeks ago, and the threat to the lives of coalition forces in Afghanistan and to the lives of local Afghan nationals as a result. As the Secretary has also stated, we know from various sources that our enemy is accessing the WikiLeaks website for the purpose of exploiting WikiLeaks’ illegal and irresponsible actions, to pursue their own terrorist aims.

The threatened release of additional classified documents by WikiLeaks will add to the damage. Among other sensitive items, we believe the classified documents contain, like the first batch of released documents, the names of Afghan nationals who are assisting coalition forces in our efforts to bring about peace and stability in that portion of the world.

Thus, the Department of Defense will NOT negotiate some “minimized” or “sanitized” version of a release by WikiLeaks of additional U.S. Government classified documents. The Department demands that NOTHING further be released by WikiLeaks, that ALL of the U.S. Government classified documents that WikiLeaks has obtained be returned immediately, and that WikiLeaks remove and destroy all of these records from its databases.


Jeh Charles Johnson

Related Articles:
WikiLeaks Has Yet to Contact ‘Competent Authorities’
Pentagon Demands WikiLeaks Return Stolen Documents
WikiLeaks Guilty on Moral Grounds, Gates Says
Official Rejects Claim WikiLeaks Offered Document Review
Gates Calls on FBI to Join Leak Investigation
Document Leaks Could Endanger Afghan Civilians
Obama: Issues in Leaked Documents Led to Review
Pentagon Launches Probe into Document Leaks
Chairman Appalled by WikiLeaks Release
Pentagon Assesses Leaked Documents

Defense Department News Through Facebook On American Forces Press Service’s Facebook page, you can post comments and share news, photos and videos. Go to http://www.facebook.com/pages/American-Forces-Press-Service/65137437532 or search for American Forces Press Service at Facebook.com.pp

So, everyone…Read the sign…take it to heart…and to the streets…and to the L10 Freedom Ride at Leavenworth on Sept. 4, 2012.  Never give up. Never give in. Help make America great again.  Remove the thugs, traitors, thieves, liars and charlatons. [That means YOU, Congress].

Our Last Hope

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Well, well,well.  Venturing forth from my own little world of Goldens, gardens, and good housekeeping/housecraft, it is impossible to miss some of the more glaring affronts to decency and American living these days:

The State of Arizona has been beset with attacks even harsher than that from which they currently suffer at the hands of illegal aliens packing heat, drugs and more illegal aliens.  Current White House pResident SoetorObama–you know, the one who stated that Daniel Pearl’s beheading captured the world’s imagination?”  Yes, THAT one– has teamed up with Mexico’s President [or is HE a pResident too?] to excoriate that good State for simply resolving to enforce Federal immigration law, already on the books, because the Feds refuse to enforce it themselves. Maricopa County’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio, told to stand down by the Feds earlier this year, continues to maintain that he is enforcing his STATE immigration law and refuses to stop doing his job the way he sees fit.

While no one likes the idea of unpleasantness and violence, things have now come to such an un-pretty pass that even those who once supported the illegal tsunami are now having second thoughts as the border war accelerates and good people like Rob Krantz are found murdered.  Sites like BorderInvasion are showing us pictures of what that border area really looks like these days–something GE-owned NBC and all its affiliates will never, apparently do.

In the meantime, back at the ranch…The Dow continues to take significant hits and we are being told to liquidate NOW and GET THE HECK OUTTA DODGE I mean The Market ASAP.  http://urbansurvival.com/week.htm, as always, H/T to Bones.

To make matters worse, CAIR continues to be a daily threat to us all, and has zeroed in on one of the greatest, most knowledgeable champions for our Republic in our history as they attack Atlas Shrugs Pamela Geller, demanding that she not be allowed to speak at the Tennessee Tea Party event on May 22-23rd. Fortunately, however, they have not honored this infringement on freedom of speech request and she WILL be there!

May 25th in NY brings us back to the Mosque planned for Ground Zero.  There will be a planning meeting on May 25th and a demonstration on June 6th–more details to follow.  In the meantime, PLEASE PLEASE go to http://tool.donation-net.net/public/ACT4A/entrance/enter.cfm?dn=1097&source=2013&id=84374&commid=28622718&CFID=8544165&CFTOKEN=99018665 and sign the petition against this outrage–we’re off to a good start with 10,000 signatures but we need millions– So many meetings, so little time!

But all is not lost–there are so many smart, well informed, hard working people to keep us informed as to what is really going on that there is a good chance we might actually survive this worst challenge yet intact.  People like  Bill Warner, for instance, at the Center for the Study of Political Islam, have put a lot of work into getting the information out there and his new online pamphlet is available for free to read AND PASS ON!  Go to http://www.politicalislam.com/blog/sharia-law-for-non-muslims-may-20-2010 and memorize it, and give a H/T to Bev Perlson for letting us know about it!

Bev, another tireless Patriot, co founder of Band of Mothers and advocate for troops and their families continues her work and we’re planning to shine an even brighter light than before on the brave troops that have been detained illegally in Ft. Leavenworth and Camp Pendleton brig, even after being exonerated on appeal, such as Sgt. Larry Hutchins.  We have both committed to working on this disgraceful situation until each and every one of those men are free. http://thejaghunter.wordpress.com/2010/05/21/navy-jag-attainder-sergeant-of-marines-lawrence-gordon-hutchins-iii/

As for the Gulf Gusher–I won’t even GO there.  It is, as usual, SO much worse than the idiots at BP wanted us to find out, especially since they eschewed the use of the foolproof safety mechanism mandated in Norway because it cost too much money, and they eschewed the use of tankers to simply siphon the mess up and recycle it as they did in the Saudi spill some years back.  I have not yet found the words adequate to speak of such a heinous debacle.  I’ll let you know if I do but it looks doubtful at present.  I’ll just have to fume and fuss and sputter to myself instead.

Well, enough of this.  Wishing you a weekend that plugs some small moments of joy into your busy lives and offering only the words of Mahatma Ghandi in consolation:

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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 Well, December is officially here, and with it, the end-0f-year series of Christmas and other seasonal celebrations.  Take from it what one will, be it sacred or secular, this time of year has always held significance to humans everywhere.

And yet, amidst the flurry of activity it produces, the grave challenges we continue to face remain real.  From the politically correct attack on Christmas [See Sammy Benoit’s American Thinker piece] to the announcement, months after the commissioned recommendation from General MacChrystal to send more troops to Afghanistan, the beat goes on, and those who have fallen on the sword of political expedience must be remembered and fought for daily, irrespective of the season at hand.

Tonight’s Kicking Back With The Dame Features Band of Mothers’ Bev Perlson, who has just returned from a week in Washington, D.C. with Vicki Behenna, Jeff Lewis and members of Congress with whom they met to brief on Lt. Michael Behenna’s plight.  To date, because of nebulous politically correct, politically expedient and an unconstitutional system of Military Justice, Michael remains in Ft. Leavenworth because he was not allowed to present the evidence that would have exonerated him at his trial.  After nearly two years of tirelessly trying to get word to the American Public about this travesty of justice, we are finally making inroads, thanks to the tireless efforts of Vicki, Bev, Sgt. Tim Harrington, and so many others.

Join us tonight at 8 PM EST for the update for Michael’s case and that of other, similarly and wrongfully charged and incarcerated members of our brave military including the Pendleton 8, Lt. Col. Michael Chessani, and the Navy SEALS charged last week as a result of their capture of the master mind of the 2004 Fallujah killing and maiming of 4 members of a private security team who were guarding a catering detail there.


11 PM EST Saturdays 

(347) 215-6929

And, on Tuesday, Walter F. Fitzpatrick III appeared before the Monroe County, Tennessee Grand Jury to present an accusation of treason against the current pResident;

The American Grand Jury Criminal Presentments have now been hand-delivered by Process-Service to the Clerk of the United States District Court, Mr. Thomas M. Gould, Memphis, Tennessee [serve affidavit by Mac MacDougall] .

The “Affidavits of Process-Serve” can be seen here at the
American Grand Jury business website

The criminal charges of Eligibility Fraud and Treason (Barack Obama) and Conspiracy of Election Fraud (Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama) are now pending before these and numerous other Courts.

If acted upon, the Grand Jury Presentments would require that both Obama and Pelosi be criminally prosecuted.

American Grand Jury is actively pursuing decisions in a number of UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS located in multiple jurisdictions: District for Columbia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Kansas, New York, Texas, California, Arizona, Connecticut and others.

More serves will be forth coming.

Last night’s Dame Truth Radio featured Sgt. Tim Harrington, Neil B. Turner and Mack Ellis, all of whom have, with Walter Fitzpatrick, worked tirelessly to seek justice to members of our Military who have been charged with crimes and jailed for doing their duty in combat zones.

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The Dame Truth
The Pendleton 8
Leavenworth 10
The Navy SEALS

Mondays  8:00 PM EST

(347) 202-0569

“The Dame Truth”
Sgt. Tim Harrington, USMC
Mack Ellis, co founder
American Grand Jury
Capt.Neil B. Turner, Ret.
US Army Air
On Justice for Our Military & Safety at Home:
The Ongoing Battle

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