
Archive for April 7th, 2010

This made me another ‘Kitchen Statue Moment” for sure,  mainly because, like so many Americans these days, I  have been there more than once.  High Water Mark/Moment, Aha! Moment, Moment of Truth, Come to Jesus Moment, Crash & Burn Moment, Deerintheheadlights….they all converge at once, like the Ultimate kaleidescope or the time travel sequence in the now classic “2001: A Space Odyssey,” crashing to earth right in front of your eyes.  Oh, wait..it’s NOT in front of your eyes…it’s IN your eyes…YOU are IN IT!  Welcome to my world;) 

So many thanks for sharing this;  I feel another repost coming on…

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 11:19 PM, Warren Bonesteel wrote:

The first few paragraphs of this article explain and describe what I call, “A Kitchen Statue Moment.”            Basically, you suffer a traumatic shock to your psyche, during which moment in time, your body actually freezes in place, and the world goes away…while your mind absorbs the fact that nothing that you’ve ever been taught is true…            My personal experience with this involved me staring at a computer screen for over two hours…and not seeing a thing that was in front of me. I mean, I was totally unaware of my surroundings. …I don’t think I even blinked …for two hours…            A friend of mine endured a similar experience, where she ‘froze’ like a statue in her kitchen, between one step and the next, as her worldview crashed and burned around her ears…and her mind began to rebuild a new reality around the facts..the basic fact being that nothing she had ever learned from our traditional institutions was true and accurate.    Cliff High describes the  experience more eloquently than I just have.

s/  Warren “Bones” Bonesteel    

Author and Researcher

SGT USMC 1976-1983

Again, folks.  Go here.  Read it and weep.  And then light a fire under yourself and get moving for Liberty!


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